l.1. Sir Nicholas, geb. c.
1378 in Wortley, Yorkshire, England, oorl 1448, His estate was probated on 22 January 1448 , begr. St. Helen Churchyard, Hemsworth, ,
Metropolitan Borough of Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England x 1400 met Elizabeth WATERTON, geb. c.
1382, Yorkshire, Engeland, d.v. Sir Robert Waterton en Agnes Fairfax (dau. of
Sir Guy Fairfax) xx Miss MOORE.
Nicholas was die seun van John Wortley en Elizabeth de la Haye.
Joseph: Pedigrees of the County Families
of Yorkshire, Vol. 2, West Riding. London. 1874)
Sir Nicholas leef in die regeringstyd van Konings Henry IV (r.1399-1413), Henry V en Henry VI. Koning Henry VI die seun van koning Henry V, regeer (1422-1461) en weer vanaf (1470-71). Anders as sy pa wou Henry VI nie oorlog maak nie. Hy wou nie voortgaan met die Honderdjarige Oorlog teen Frankryk nie. Toe Joan of Arc Franse patriotisme laat herleef het, het die Engelse stelselmatig hulle Franse besitting begin verloor. Teen 1453 was Calais, die enigste van sy pa se oorwinnings, wat oor was. Die regering was ongewild, veral na die verlies van Engelse verowerings in Frankryk.
Nicholas Wortley het in ongeveer 1400 met Elizabeth Waterton, die dogter van Sir Robert Waterton en Agnes Fairfax getrou.
Watertons derive their name from Waterton, in Lincolnshire. They came into England at the time of the
conquest; and, have, since that period
retained their name and estate directly in the male line. They were the founders of the churches of
Royston, Felchurch and Methley and of two others in the vicinity; and were lords of Cawthorne Park. Sir Robert Waterton seneschall of Pontefract,
was master of the horse in the several reigns of Henry IV, Henry V and Vl. (Fox, George:
The History of Pontefract, in Yorkshire.
Wakefield. 1827) Robert Waterton was Esquire of the Body to
Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford (Henry IV), with whom he went on Crusade to
the Holy Land. He was High Steward of
the Duchy of Lancaster, Master of the King's Horse & Armour & Master of
the King's Running Hounds. Jailer to James I King of Scots &
Scots Nobles & many French Nobles from Agincourt all of whom were confined
in the Castle of Pontefract. (Fox,
George: The History of Pontefract, in
Yorkshire. Wakefield. 1827. P. 68) He was
Constable of the castles of Pontefract (1399-1425), Tickhill & Castle
Donnington. During his tenure as
Constable at Pontefract Castle, Richard II was imprisoned, subsequently dying
in mysterious circumstances February 1400.
In the 9th year of Henry VI [1441] Robert Waterton, miles.of Methley Hall was a
sheriff for Yorkshire. He acted as the
guardian for Richard Duke of York, the disputed father of Edward IV. Richard
was raised at Pontefract Castle and Methley Hall. (Heraldry of some Yorkshire Families. http://www.midgleywebpages.com/westyorksarms.html) In the
reign of Henry VI they possessed twenty-four manors in England. The Watertons were dispossessed of Methley by
king Henry VIII on their refusing to take the oath of supremacy. The monumental effigy of Sir Robert Waterton
are in the church at Methley. The five
daughters of this Sir Robert, worked in
tapestry the model for the north window in the cathedral church of York. (Fox, George: The History of Pontefract, in
Yorkshire. Wakefield. 1827) Arms: Gules,
three bars ermine, over all three crescents sable. The Waterton's on the distaff had a shield of
six equal horizontal divisions, starting at the top with ermine then gules
repeated. Three crescents sable are placed over this field in a manner which
one would expect to find with three crescents displayed on a single colour
shield [Barry of six ermine gules three crescents sable]. (Heraldry
of some Yorkshire Families. http://www.midgleywebpages.com/westyorksarms.html)

Joseph, Hon. M.A. Oxon: Some feudal
coats of arms, London, 1902)
More of
More-hall. More-hall stands in a
charming valley near the Don, and enjoys a luxuriant view of the woods and
rocks of Wharncliffe. It is understood
that it stands within the manor of Bolsterstone; but the late Godfrey Bosville of Gunthwaite
esquire, in some memoirs which he left of his own family, states that it is
within his manor of Oxspring and pays to him a rose yearly. There are no remains of the ancient house of
the Mores, who may be regarded as a family indigenous to Hallamshire, an
unknown but careful and skilful hand having collected their genealogy in the
time of Charles I. and shown them resident on this spot in times when in their
rank of society the use of hereditary surnames was unknown. I shall present it to the reader as it is
found in C. 25, f. 45, in the College of Arms, entered by George More of
Burghope in Herefordshire, at the visitation of that county in 1634. The crest was formerly to be seen carved in
stone above five feet long at the north-east corner of Bradfield church. (Hunter,
Joseph: The History and Topography of
the Parish of Sheffield : with Historical and Descriptive Notices of the
Parishes of Ecclesfield, Hansworth, Treeton and Whiston, and of the Chapelry of
Bradfield. London. 1819)
(Foster, Joseph, Hon.
M.A. Oxon: Some feudal coats of arms,
London, 1902)
(Hunter, Joseph: The History and
Topography of the Parish of Sheffield : with Historical and Descriptive Notices
of the Parishes of Ecclesfield, Hansworth, Treeton and Whiston, and of the
Chapelry of Bradfield. London. 1819)
Directory of West Riding Gentry, 1399-1461
Key * knight @ distrainee
& esquire $ gentleman
ref or birth last ref or death Residence
@ John Wortley I 1406 1429 Wortley
John Wortley II 1414 1414 Wortley
@ Nicholas Wortley I 1414 c.
1449 Wortley
@ Nicholas Wortley II 1440 * Wortley
@ Richard Wortley 1414 1435 Wortley
(Punshon, Mark
Christopher: Government and political
society in the West Riding of Yorkshire 1399 – 1461. submitted for the degree
of Doctor of Philoosophy the university of York, department of history. Aug
2002.) Distrainees = Eligible knights
By deed dated at Denby 20 June 1410, William de
Maltby and John Walker of Mirfield, chaplain, grant to Richard Burdet, lord of
Denby, and Joan his wife, and the heirs of the body of the said Richard, the
manors of Denby and High Hoyland ; if Richard die without issue, which God
forefend, to: remain to Nicholas, son of John de Wortley, and the heirs of his
body, with remainder to Richard and John, brothers of Nicholas. (https://huddersfield.exposed/api/content/books/ocr/17984/)
12 Aug 1414. Robert del Stones
was ‘n getuie toe Nicholas de Wortley (q.v.) en sy broers al sy pa se grond in
die gemeente van Birstall, West Riding Yorkshire aan Richard de Popelay (q.v.)
toegestaan (granted) het. (Yorkshire Deeds. Vol.VII. P.79) Birstall Parish
in die Dewsbury distrik, West Riding, Yorkshire, is in 'n heuwelagtige gebied,
7 myl suidwes van Leeds en 6.4 myl Suid-wes van Wortley geleë. Die ou gemeente van Birstall het bestaan uit
die agt townships van Cleckheaton,
Drighlington, Gomersal, Heckmondwike, Hunsworth, Liversedge, Tong en Wike. Die dorp Birstall het sy naam aan die gemeente
gegee, maar is in die township
Gomersall. Ander villages of hamlets in die Birstall
gemeente sluit in: Great en Little Gomersal, Stubley, Littletown,
Robertown, Long Liversedge, Hoaton, Okenshay, Moore Lawe, Doghouse, Scholes, en
Berkonshay. http://www.maggieblanck.com/Land/Birstall.html
of the fine rolls vol. XIV. Henry V A.D.
1413-1422. London. 1934)
Richard de Wortelay, esquires, of the county of York, John de Wortelay
junior, esquire, and Henry Langus of Wirkesburg in the same county of York, of
all those messuages, lands and tenements, woods, meadows and pastures, with all
the appurtenances, which lately descended to the said Elizabeth, William’s
wife, by hereditary right after the death of William de Wigfalle, her father,
in Wigfalle in Wirkesvurg and within the bounds of the same. Dated at Wygfall in Wirkesburg, 1 September
1422. (Abstracts of the Chartularies of the Priory
of Monkbretton edited by John William
Walker) Worsbrough is 'n gebied sowat
twee kilometer suid van Barnsley, Suid-Yorkshire, Engeland.
In 1429 is daar ‘n Grant van John Darell of Mesyn (Member of Parliament ) vir Kent aan Nicholas Worteley Esq and Elizabeth his wife vir 7½ acres arable and 6 swaiths meadow in
Mesyn. (The National Archives Notinghamshire Archives 1146-1982) Misne
or Missin. The land belonging to this place is sandy, and lies in the counties
of Nottingham and Lincoln. It contains, with the levels, 6000 acres. (British history online. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/thoroton-notts/vol3/pp331-333)
1440. Grant from Thomas Segrave to Geoffrey Segrave his son and Johanna his wife
of the manor of Staley Wodethorp, with reversion on failure of issue to the
heirs of the said Thomas and Margaret his wife. Witn. Nicholas, lord of
Worteley, John de Keresforthe of Barnesley, Robert Hanson of Netherthorp, etc.
Dat. Woodthorpe, 5 Oct., 19 Hen. VI. (Isaac
Herbert Jeayes for Sir Henry Howe Bemrose, Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire
charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms (London: Bemrose
& Sons, 1906), 285, Item 2254)
Die titel van Earl of Shrewsbury is in 1442 aan John
Talbot, 7de Baron Talbot, ‘n Engelse generaal in die Hundred Years' War toegeken. Sir Thomas Harrington of Brierley, John Hastings of Fenwick, Nicholas Wortley I (d.1448) of Wortley,
Thurstan Banaster of Wakefield, Henry Stafford and Thomas Clarell II (d. 1450)
of Aldwark served as feoffees for Sir John Talbot during the 1440s. (Punshon,
Mark Christopher: Government and
political society in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1399-1461. Submitted for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The
University of York. Department of
history. Aug 2002) Talbot
of Shrewsbury – Nicholas Wortley c 1442-53 Feoffee (Punshon, Mark
Christopher: Government and political
society in the West Riding of Yorkshire 1399 – 1461. submitted for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy the university of York. department of history. Aug
Sir John Talbot.
His Sheffield councillors and feeholders, with the exception of
Everingham, were men of obscure origin and but slight local standing. Thomas Wortley was a younger son of Nicholas
Wortley, who died in 1449. The Reiceiver
of Sheffield was similarly employed in legal word. In October 1442, for instance, he went to
Rotheram to support Talbot’s servant Thomas Wortley in a case against one Harry
Boston. (http://research-information.bristol.ac.uk/files/34502954/488666_vol2.pdf)
Nicholas Wortley sterf in 1448.
1448: In Dei nomine. — In vig. S. Thomae Apostoli,
A.D. M.CCC.XLVIIJ., Ego Nicholaus Wortley, dominus de Wortley — sepeliend. in
ecclesia par. de Hymesworth. Lego fabrica ejusdem ecclesiae XX s. et in pane et
cervisia pauperibus in die sepulturae meae viij. marcas. — Rectori de Tankersley
unum equum nomine mor tuarii, vel xl s. Fabricae ecclesiae
xx s. Fabricae eccles. de Wortley XX s. Nicholao, filio et heredi meo, omnia instrumenta hereditaria,
prout pater meus mihi dimisit, ac eciam fabricas meas cum omnibus instrumentis.
— Matildas, filiae meae, vj. boves et vj. vaccas. — Dominae Katerinae Wortley,
filiae meae, sex marcas, unam peciam
argenti et unum cocliar argenti. Johanni filiae Nicholai Wortley, filii mei xls. Johanni Wortley xl
s. Willhmo Wortley, fratri suo, xl s.
Residuum Roberto et Thomae filiis meis
(Full text of "Testamenta eboracensia; or, Wills registered at
York, illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, &c., of
the province of York, from the year 1300 downwards")
m.1. Nicholas, Esq. geb. c. 1400, oorl. c.1485, x 1431/2 met Isabella TUNSTALL, geb. c.1414 in Thurland Castle, Lancashire, Engeland, oorl. 21/03/1492, begr. church of St Michael, Thornhill, d.v. William Tunstall van Thurland en Anne Parr.
m.2. Robert, geb. c. 1402
m.3. Thomas, geb. c. 1404, Wortley, Yorkshire, England
m.6. Maude, geb. c. 1409, oorl. 1482 x Peter FRESCHEVILLE, co. Derby, Esq; Piers Fracheville, one of the Esquires of the body to King Henry VII, who died in 1503; and Maud (Wortley) his wife.
m.7. Rosamond, geb. c. 1411 x Thomas WICKERSLEY, of Wickersley, Esq
m.8. Jane, geb. c. 1413 x Robert MALTBY
m.9. Ursula, geb. c. 1415 x Richard BEAUMONT of Whitley Hall, Esq, s.v. Richard Beaumont en Cecilia Mirfield
m.10. Mary, geb. c. 1417 x John LACY, Esq
2e huwelik:
11. NN x John LEVENTHORPE, esq
m.12. NN x HOPTON