Cornelia was die dogter van Guillaume Nel en Jeanne de la Batte.
Adriaan van Jaarsveld, die Vryburger-stamvader van die Van Jaarsvelds, is vir die eerste keer in 1702 in die monsterrolle onder die 'Vrije Lieden' gelys, maar die presiese datum van sy aankoms in Suid-Afrika is onbekend. Heese en Lombard bereken Adriaan van Jaarsveld se geboortedatum as 1682. Teen die tyd dat sy naam in 1702 in die Opgaafrol aan die Kaap verskyn sou Adriaan van Jaarsveld dus ongeveer 20 jaar oud wees. Wat opval is dat hy reeds op daardie stadium op ‘n betreklikke jeugdige ouderdom’n Vryburger en onafhanklike boer is, sonder enige aanduiding dat hy ooit ‘n werknemer van die Kompanjie was. (
Cornelia trou op op 22 November 1711 in Kaapstad met Adriaan van Jaarsveld en uit hulle huwelik van bykans 39 jaar is 11 kinders gebore. Die Raad van beleid het op 31 Julie 1714 die leningsplaas Lammershoek (60.2 morg) in die distrik Drakenstein aan Adriaan van Jaarsveld toegestaan. Die feit dat hy aanvanklik gesukkel het om finansieel die mas op te kom word onderstreep deur ‘n verdere Raadsbesluit op 12 Julie 1718 om eiendomsreg van die plaas aan hom toe te staan des ondanks die feit dat “…wijl 't selve land op den 9e October 1714 door den landmeeter behoorlijk gemeeten en de caart daar van opgemaakt is geweest, dogh ter consideratie nu weijnigh tijds verleeden hadde ondervonden dat den voorne. Van Jaarsvelt bij gebrek van penningen niet magtigh geweest zijnde te voldoen de zeegels en andere meetloonen aan den landmeeter deeser plaatse, dierhalven den opgemaakte caart onder denselven was blijven berusten en dus verhindert geworden dat den grondbrief ter secretarije niet had konnen worden naer vereijs opgemaakt en geexpedieert;” (
Op soek na “groener weivelde” het Adriaan van Jaarsveld hom 7 jaar later by die groep van “trekboere” aangesluit wat met hulle vee dieper die binneland in, in die rigting van die Koue Bokkeveld, weggetrek het. Hy verkoop daarom die plaas Lammershoek drie jaar nadat hy eiendomreg daarvan verkry het, op 27 Junie 1721 vir die som van 2,300.00 gulden aan Gerrit van Aardt. (
Late in the afternoon on the last Friday of August 1727 an ox wagon bearing three Dutch women was making its way between Cape Town (or ‘De Caab’) and Riebeeck’s Kasteel. The wagon had reached the marshy ground alongside the Mosselbank River, north-east of the Tygerberg and some 30 kilometres from Cape Town, when the women decided to stop for the night. The nearest farm, ‘Mosselbank’, belonged to Phillipus Rigter, and the women thought that they would exercise the customary right of Cape travellers – to ask the landowner for his hospitality – whilst they outspanned their oxen for the night. The farm buildings occupied an area of high ground overlooking the Mosselbank River, which was perhaps more like a stream than a river to European eyes. The surrounding countryside was lush and fertile after winter rains and the farm itself looked prosperous with its sheep pens, cattle enclosures, wheat fields and gardens. But all was not well on the farm. As their servants outspanned the oxen the women became aware of an incessant wailing and sobbing coming from the huts where the farm’s Khoikhoi labourers lived. It sounded like a woman crying, like a woman mourning. The three Dutch women walked to the main building and, not finding anyone to greet them, entered the darkened house. In a small side room they discovered the sleeping form of the farm’s knegt. It quickly became apparent to the women that the place was in a state of great disorder and that the man himself was drunk. The room stank of alcohol and there was a quantity of wine spilt on the table. They managed to wake the knegt and, once he had lighted a candle, things became a little clearer. The knegt, at least, liked what he saw. Of the three women before him Dirkje Helms, aged 45, was the most senior. She was also twice widowed and a farmer, or landbouweress, in her own right, having inherited her second husband’s farm, ‘De Vleesbank’, between Riebeeck’s Kasteel and Paarl. As a widow, Dirkje was known by her maiden name, Helm. At her side was one of the eight children from her first marriage – to Cornelis Knoetzen – a 16-year old daughter called Elizabeth Knoetzen. The third woman in the group was Cornelia Nel, wife of the farmer Adriaan van Jaarsveld, owner of the farm ‘Bootmansdrift’ on the Berg River near Riebeek Kasteel. Dirkje and Cornelia were, effectively, neighbours, their farms a mere five kilometres apart. In 1727 Cornelia was in her early 30s and already the mother of seven children. She would bear 11 in all. It was she who seems to have attracted most of the knegt’s attention As land-owning matriarchs the two mature women were the social superiors of a hired servant but Theunis Roelofsz, Rigter’s knegt, was emboldened by drink. It was not every day that he was able to entertain three white women. His master, Rigter, had no wife or children at ‘Mosselbank’. Nor were there any slave women on the farm. For the most part, Roelofsz lived and worked in an all-male environment and he was more than pleased to act the part of ladies’ host, especially since Rigter was, at that moment, far away on a visit to Rondebosch. Roelofsz was quick to produce a bottle of wine and, somewhat unsteadily, poured out a glassful that he offered to the women. Alarmed by the knegt’s lack of sobriety Dirkje took the glass from Roelofs’z hand and set it down on the table, saying that whilst they would not drink any wine they would be pleased to join him in drinking a cup of tea. At that particular moment, tea did not appeal to Roelofsz as a beverage, and he began to pester Cornelia, the wife of Arij van Jaarsveld, to join him in drinking some wine. Her refusals, and his drunkenness, now prompted Roelofsz to go beyond the bounds of propriety, and he declared to Cornelia that if she would not drink wine with him then she would have to sleep with him. ‘Why should I do that?’ retorted Cornelia, ‘I have a husband to sleep with me’. The women must have exchanged glances and assessed their situation. They were in a remote farmhouse with a drunk and lustful man. Without tact the situation might easily progress from being awkward to being ugly. As Roelofsz continued to press them into drinking wine Dirkje decided to yield to his ‘continuous persuasion’, agreeing that they would have one glass of wine with him provided that he brought them some tea. Roelofsz ordered a slave to put the kettle on and, once the tea had arrived, continued his advances. This time it was Elizabeth whom he ‘sought to bring into dishonour’ by proclaiming that ‘if the women will not sleep with me then the girl must sleep with me’. To this Elizabeth retorted that she would sooner sleep with the Hottentots outside the house than with him, her remarks prompted by the loud and persistent sound of a Khoikhoi woman crying outside. At this stage Dirkje decided that it would be courting disaster to stay any longer at the farm so she went outside to order that the oxen be inspanned to the wagon. It was essential to ride away as quickly as possible. Roelofsz, meanwhile, smarting from Elizabeth’s insult, told her that she could follow her mother out of the door, as there would be no bed for her in the house – though there would be for Cornelia. As Dirkje returned to the house to fetch the other women she was intercepted by one of the farm’s slaves, a man called Arij van der Cust. Arij wanted to speak to Dirkje and Dirkje, for her part, wanted to explain to someone with a semblance of authority that she was leaving ‘Mosselbank’ because of the knegt’s drunken behaviour. Arij cut her explanation short. ‘My God Juffrouw the knegt killed a Hottentot during the night. The Hottentot is lying there, don’t you hear the old woman sitting there crying?’ Dirkje could hear the woman, but she did not go to investigate. Instead, she called Elizabeth and Cornelia, telling them to get up on the wagon because they were all leaving. As they crossed the yard Roelofsz accosted them. ‘Don’t you want to outspan the oxen?’ he asked, unaware that they had already been both outspanned and inspanned. ‘No’, replied Dirkje. ‘We’re leaving.’ As the women rode away Roelofsz shouted after them in frustration. ‘Whores! Bitches! Get off my property!’ 7 His voice, and the sound of a woman crying, was soon mercifully inaudible to the departing women. It is not surprising that Dirkje was anxious to leave ‘Mosselbank’ in a hurry though it might seem rather callous of the women not to have investigated the condition, or circumstances, of the weeping Khoikhoi woman. But Dirkje had more reason than most to be wary of a drunken knegt’s sexual advances... (Nigel Penna: Casper, Crebis and the Knegt: Rape, Homicide and Violence in the Eighteenth-Century Rural Western Cape, University of Cape Town, Published online: 28 Jul 2014)
Adriaan van Jaarsveld sterf teen die einde van 1750. In sy boedel het hy twee plase gehad: die eindomsplaas Bootmansdrift (oorspronklik in die besit van sy skoonpa Guillaume Néel), Onder-Riebeekkasteel aan die Bergrivier, en die leningplaas De Platten Heuvel, ("Platte Rug"?) geleë by Jonkershoek. (
c.1. Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 02/10/1712, Stellenbosch.
Stellenbosch baptisms 1690-1732
c.2. Albertus VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 30/09/1714, Stellenbosch, oorl. 1749 x 19/05/1743 met Maria Jordaan.
Stellenbosch baptisms 1690-1732
c.3. Johanna Catharina VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 12/06/1716, oorl. 1787 x 02/05/1734, Paarl met Jan Basson.
c.4. Susanna VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 24/11/1719, oorl. 1779 x Willem Adriaan Nel, ged. 03/12/1730, burger te Stellenbosch, s.v. Adriaan Nel en Catharina Appel.
c.5. Hester VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 24/08/1721 x 13/03/1748 Jacob Gerrit van Deventer.
c.6. Catharina VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 11/04/1723, oorl. 1782 x Joseph de Klerk.
c.7. Willem Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 15/09/1726, oorl. 1806 x Elizabeth Jordaan.
c.8. Cornelia VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 14/11/1728 x Ferdinandus Nel, ged. 25/04/1728, s.v. van Adriaan Nel en Catharina Appel.
c.9. Rijnier VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 08/10/1730, oorl. 1787 x 21/10/1758 Anna Hendrina Olivier, ged. 06/10/1742, Paarl.
c.10. Anna Margaretha VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 18/01/1733 x 06/02/1757 met Gerrit Nel, ged. 12/12/1728, burger te Swellendam, s.v. Pieter willemsen en Aletta van Deventer.
c.11. Engela VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 06/03/1735, oorl. 1782 x Stephanus Jordaan.
Adriaan van Jaarsveld, die Vryburger-stamvader van die Van Jaarsvelds, is vir die eerste keer in 1702 in die monsterrolle onder die 'Vrije Lieden' gelys, maar die presiese datum van sy aankoms in Suid-Afrika is onbekend. Heese en Lombard bereken Adriaan van Jaarsveld se geboortedatum as 1682. Teen die tyd dat sy naam in 1702 in die Opgaafrol aan die Kaap verskyn sou Adriaan van Jaarsveld dus ongeveer 20 jaar oud wees. Wat opval is dat hy reeds op daardie stadium op ‘n betreklikke jeugdige ouderdom’n Vryburger en onafhanklike boer is, sonder enige aanduiding dat hy ooit ‘n werknemer van die Kompanjie was. (
Cornelia trou op op 22 November 1711 in Kaapstad met Adriaan van Jaarsveld en uit hulle huwelik van bykans 39 jaar is 11 kinders gebore. Die Raad van beleid het op 31 Julie 1714 die leningsplaas Lammershoek (60.2 morg) in die distrik Drakenstein aan Adriaan van Jaarsveld toegestaan. Die feit dat hy aanvanklik gesukkel het om finansieel die mas op te kom word onderstreep deur ‘n verdere Raadsbesluit op 12 Julie 1718 om eiendomsreg van die plaas aan hom toe te staan des ondanks die feit dat “…wijl 't selve land op den 9e October 1714 door den landmeeter behoorlijk gemeeten en de caart daar van opgemaakt is geweest, dogh ter consideratie nu weijnigh tijds verleeden hadde ondervonden dat den voorne. Van Jaarsvelt bij gebrek van penningen niet magtigh geweest zijnde te voldoen de zeegels en andere meetloonen aan den landmeeter deeser plaatse, dierhalven den opgemaakte caart onder denselven was blijven berusten en dus verhindert geworden dat den grondbrief ter secretarije niet had konnen worden naer vereijs opgemaakt en geexpedieert;” (
Op soek na “groener weivelde” het Adriaan van Jaarsveld hom 7 jaar later by die groep van “trekboere” aangesluit wat met hulle vee dieper die binneland in, in die rigting van die Koue Bokkeveld, weggetrek het. Hy verkoop daarom die plaas Lammershoek drie jaar nadat hy eiendomreg daarvan verkry het, op 27 Junie 1721 vir die som van 2,300.00 gulden aan Gerrit van Aardt. (
Late in the afternoon on the last Friday of August 1727 an ox wagon bearing three Dutch women was making its way between Cape Town (or ‘De Caab’) and Riebeeck’s Kasteel. The wagon had reached the marshy ground alongside the Mosselbank River, north-east of the Tygerberg and some 30 kilometres from Cape Town, when the women decided to stop for the night. The nearest farm, ‘Mosselbank’, belonged to Phillipus Rigter, and the women thought that they would exercise the customary right of Cape travellers – to ask the landowner for his hospitality – whilst they outspanned their oxen for the night. The farm buildings occupied an area of high ground overlooking the Mosselbank River, which was perhaps more like a stream than a river to European eyes. The surrounding countryside was lush and fertile after winter rains and the farm itself looked prosperous with its sheep pens, cattle enclosures, wheat fields and gardens. But all was not well on the farm. As their servants outspanned the oxen the women became aware of an incessant wailing and sobbing coming from the huts where the farm’s Khoikhoi labourers lived. It sounded like a woman crying, like a woman mourning. The three Dutch women walked to the main building and, not finding anyone to greet them, entered the darkened house. In a small side room they discovered the sleeping form of the farm’s knegt. It quickly became apparent to the women that the place was in a state of great disorder and that the man himself was drunk. The room stank of alcohol and there was a quantity of wine spilt on the table. They managed to wake the knegt and, once he had lighted a candle, things became a little clearer. The knegt, at least, liked what he saw. Of the three women before him Dirkje Helms, aged 45, was the most senior. She was also twice widowed and a farmer, or landbouweress, in her own right, having inherited her second husband’s farm, ‘De Vleesbank’, between Riebeeck’s Kasteel and Paarl. As a widow, Dirkje was known by her maiden name, Helm. At her side was one of the eight children from her first marriage – to Cornelis Knoetzen – a 16-year old daughter called Elizabeth Knoetzen. The third woman in the group was Cornelia Nel, wife of the farmer Adriaan van Jaarsveld, owner of the farm ‘Bootmansdrift’ on the Berg River near Riebeek Kasteel. Dirkje and Cornelia were, effectively, neighbours, their farms a mere five kilometres apart. In 1727 Cornelia was in her early 30s and already the mother of seven children. She would bear 11 in all. It was she who seems to have attracted most of the knegt’s attention As land-owning matriarchs the two mature women were the social superiors of a hired servant but Theunis Roelofsz, Rigter’s knegt, was emboldened by drink. It was not every day that he was able to entertain three white women. His master, Rigter, had no wife or children at ‘Mosselbank’. Nor were there any slave women on the farm. For the most part, Roelofsz lived and worked in an all-male environment and he was more than pleased to act the part of ladies’ host, especially since Rigter was, at that moment, far away on a visit to Rondebosch. Roelofsz was quick to produce a bottle of wine and, somewhat unsteadily, poured out a glassful that he offered to the women. Alarmed by the knegt’s lack of sobriety Dirkje took the glass from Roelofs’z hand and set it down on the table, saying that whilst they would not drink any wine they would be pleased to join him in drinking a cup of tea. At that particular moment, tea did not appeal to Roelofsz as a beverage, and he began to pester Cornelia, the wife of Arij van Jaarsveld, to join him in drinking some wine. Her refusals, and his drunkenness, now prompted Roelofsz to go beyond the bounds of propriety, and he declared to Cornelia that if she would not drink wine with him then she would have to sleep with him. ‘Why should I do that?’ retorted Cornelia, ‘I have a husband to sleep with me’. The women must have exchanged glances and assessed their situation. They were in a remote farmhouse with a drunk and lustful man. Without tact the situation might easily progress from being awkward to being ugly. As Roelofsz continued to press them into drinking wine Dirkje decided to yield to his ‘continuous persuasion’, agreeing that they would have one glass of wine with him provided that he brought them some tea. Roelofsz ordered a slave to put the kettle on and, once the tea had arrived, continued his advances. This time it was Elizabeth whom he ‘sought to bring into dishonour’ by proclaiming that ‘if the women will not sleep with me then the girl must sleep with me’. To this Elizabeth retorted that she would sooner sleep with the Hottentots outside the house than with him, her remarks prompted by the loud and persistent sound of a Khoikhoi woman crying outside. At this stage Dirkje decided that it would be courting disaster to stay any longer at the farm so she went outside to order that the oxen be inspanned to the wagon. It was essential to ride away as quickly as possible. Roelofsz, meanwhile, smarting from Elizabeth’s insult, told her that she could follow her mother out of the door, as there would be no bed for her in the house – though there would be for Cornelia. As Dirkje returned to the house to fetch the other women she was intercepted by one of the farm’s slaves, a man called Arij van der Cust. Arij wanted to speak to Dirkje and Dirkje, for her part, wanted to explain to someone with a semblance of authority that she was leaving ‘Mosselbank’ because of the knegt’s drunken behaviour. Arij cut her explanation short. ‘My God Juffrouw the knegt killed a Hottentot during the night. The Hottentot is lying there, don’t you hear the old woman sitting there crying?’ Dirkje could hear the woman, but she did not go to investigate. Instead, she called Elizabeth and Cornelia, telling them to get up on the wagon because they were all leaving. As they crossed the yard Roelofsz accosted them. ‘Don’t you want to outspan the oxen?’ he asked, unaware that they had already been both outspanned and inspanned. ‘No’, replied Dirkje. ‘We’re leaving.’ As the women rode away Roelofsz shouted after them in frustration. ‘Whores! Bitches! Get off my property!’ 7 His voice, and the sound of a woman crying, was soon mercifully inaudible to the departing women. It is not surprising that Dirkje was anxious to leave ‘Mosselbank’ in a hurry though it might seem rather callous of the women not to have investigated the condition, or circumstances, of the weeping Khoikhoi woman. But Dirkje had more reason than most to be wary of a drunken knegt’s sexual advances... (Nigel Penna: Casper, Crebis and the Knegt: Rape, Homicide and Violence in the Eighteenth-Century Rural Western Cape, University of Cape Town, Published online: 28 Jul 2014)
Adriaan van Jaarsveld sterf teen die einde van 1750. In sy boedel het hy twee plase gehad: die eindomsplaas Bootmansdrift (oorspronklik in die besit van sy skoonpa Guillaume Néel), Onder-Riebeekkasteel aan die Bergrivier, en die leningplaas De Platten Heuvel, ("Platte Rug"?) geleë by Jonkershoek. (
Cornelia Nel
18 Januarij 1756
Cornelia Nel
18 Januarij 1756
Inventaris des boedels van
wijle Cornelia Nel wed:w van
den landb: Adriaan van Jaarsveld bestaande in ’t volgende, namentlijk
Johanna Catharina
Susanna meerderjarig
Hester meerderjarig
Catharina meerderjarig
Willem Adriaen
Cornelia meerderjarig
Albertus oud [ ..... ]
Reijnier oud 24 jaaren
Anna Margaretha 23 jaaren
Engela v: Jaarsveld 21
NB Albertus Jaarsveld
getrouwt met Maria Jordaan en bij haar in huwelijke verwekt
Adriaan oud 11 ja:r
Albertus oud 7 ja:r
NB Anna Margaretha en
Engela van Jaarsveld versoeken bij haar swaager voor cost en kleederen te
moogen woonen
Een plaats in eijgendom
gen:t Bootsmansdrift
een plaats in leening
gen:t Plattenheuvel
een slave jonge gen:t
Domingo van Bengalen
een slave jonge gen:t
Leander van Mallabaar
een slave jonge gen:t
Coridon van Mallabaar
520 schaapen
43 beesten
10 paarden
1 partij romm:g
1 coornsift
13 coornsacken
1 tentzijl
5 vaten
1 partij timmermans
1 scheepel
1 meel zift
2 bakkisten
1 ovenschop
4 potten
4 emmers
1 rooster
1 drievoet
1 asschop
1 vuurtang
1 koekepan
1 lootleepel
1 braadpan
1 kandelaar en snuijter
1 lamp
1 rijstblok
2 tafels
8 stoelen
4 racken
2 capstocken
4 schilderijjen
2 leepelborden
18 leepels
8 vorken
6 messen
17 porcel:e borden
3 porcel:e schotels
6 tinne schotels
1 theebalij met 5
theepotten en wat theegoet
2 keetels
2 theebussen
3 trommels
2 tregters
1 vijsel
1 spiegel
1 peeperdoosjen
1 Siamse pot
4 bocke
3 coornschoppen
2 picke
3 sickels
1 strijkijser
1 pars ijser
1 schoorsteenketting
1 vat met wat asijn
2 beddens
4 cadels
3 kisten
3 roers
1 wagen met zijn
1 ploeg met zijn
1 voor ploeg
1 eg met ijsere tanden
1 wagen asch
1 p:r wagen scheene
1 partij oud ijser
Cornelia Nel
18 Januarij 1756
Van den nagelate goedere
van den overleden Adrieaan van Jaarsvelt en Cornelia Nel
de kinderen
Johanna Catariena van
Jaarsvelt, mondigh
Susanna van Jaarsvelt,
Hester van Jaarsvelt,
Catariena van Jaarsvelt,
Willem Adrieaan van
Jaarsvelt, mondigh
Corneliea van Jaarsvelt,
Albertus van Jaarsvelt
Reijnier van Jaarsvelt
Anna Margarietha van
Engela van Jaarsvelt
Een plaas in eijgendom
genamt Boosmansdrift
een plaas in leening
genamt Platten Heuvel
drie manslaave genamt
Demingo van Bengaalen
Leander van Mallebaren
Coordom van Mallebaaren
veijf hondert en twintig
drie en veertig trek osse
tien paarde
een partij rommelreij
een coorn sift
dertien coorn sakke
een tent sijl
vijff vaaten
een parteij timmermans
een schaeepel en een meel
twee bak kisten en een
oven schop
vier potte en vier emmers
een rooster
een drie voet
een asschop
een vuer tang
een koek pan
een loot leepel
een braat pan
een candelaar en een snuijter
een lamp
een reijsblok
twee taafels
agh stoele
vier rakke
twee capstokke
vier schildereijije
twee leepel borde
agtien leepels
ag vurke en ses messe
seventien pasteleijne
drie pastelijne schottels
ses tinne schottels
een tee baalie met veijf
teepotte en wat tee goet
twee keetels
twee tee busse
drie trommels
twee tregters
een viesel
een spiegel
een peeperdoosie
en Siejamse pot
vier rocke
drie coorn schoppe
twee pikke
drie sikkels
een streijk eijser
een pars eijser
een schoorsteen kettingh
een vat met wat asijn
twee beddens
vier caatels
drie kisten
drie roers
een waagen met zijn toe
een ploeg met zijn toe
behoort, nog een voor ploeg
een egh met eijser tanden
een waagen as
een paar waagen scheene
een partij aoud eijser
Als getuijge: Antonie
Lombard, Johannes Stevanus Moller
Den 18 Januarij ano 1756.
c.1. Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 02/10/1712, Stellenbosch.
Stellenbosch baptisms 1690-1732
c.2. Albertus VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 30/09/1714, Stellenbosch, oorl. 1749 x 19/05/1743 met Maria Jordaan.
Stellenbosch baptisms 1690-1732
c.3. Johanna Catharina VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 12/06/1716, oorl. 1787 x 02/05/1734, Paarl met Jan Basson.
c.4. Susanna VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 24/11/1719, oorl. 1779 x Willem Adriaan Nel, ged. 03/12/1730, burger te Stellenbosch, s.v. Adriaan Nel en Catharina Appel.
c.5. Hester VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 24/08/1721 x 13/03/1748 Jacob Gerrit van Deventer.
c.6. Catharina VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 11/04/1723, oorl. 1782 x Joseph de Klerk.
c.7. Willem Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 15/09/1726, oorl. 1806 x Elizabeth Jordaan.
c.8. Cornelia VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 14/11/1728 x Ferdinandus Nel, ged. 25/04/1728, s.v. van Adriaan Nel en Catharina Appel.
c.9. Rijnier VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 08/10/1730, oorl. 1787 x 21/10/1758 Anna Hendrina Olivier, ged. 06/10/1742, Paarl.
c.10. Anna Margaretha VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 18/01/1733 x 06/02/1757 met Gerrit Nel, ged. 12/12/1728, burger te Swellendam, s.v. Pieter willemsen en Aletta van Deventer.
c.11. Engela VAN JAARSVELD, ged. 06/03/1735, oorl. 1782 x Stephanus Jordaan.