e.1. John, ged. c. 1633, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland x 28/10/1658, Kirkburton, Yorkshire,
Engeland met Alice POGSON, ged. c. 1638, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland, begr. 29/04/1672, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland.
John was die seun van Edward Wortley.

1658. The Agreement of Mariage betwene John Wortley
& Alice Pogson both of this parish was published in the markett place of
Wakefeild the 16th 28th & the daies of September And Married by M"
Shirte the 28th day of October. (https://huddersfield.exposed/api/content/books/ocr/17990/)
Aprill, 1672. Alice wife of John Wortley buried the 29. Pogson married John Wortley in 1658. (https://huddersfield.exposed/api/content/books/ocr/17990/)
1674. John Wortley, yeoman, 35, Kirkburton, and Ana Stephenson, spinster, 28, East Ardsley — either place.
1675. John Wortley and Anne Stephenson – daughter Mary, christened 25 May 1675, Kirkburton, Yorkshire (GS Film number: 100094, 1696571 IT 3)
August, 1707. 9338. Anne pretended wife of John
Wortley of Shepley (she being his former wife's sister's daughter) buried the
December, 1708. John Wortley of Shepley buried
the 6th day.
Sommige van die ou roetes in Shepley sluit Stone Bridge Lane (ook genoem Summer Lane en nou Stretch Gate); Long Lane, Stone Wood Lane, Long Causeway (ook bekend as Wool Road en nou Long Close Lane) en High Moor Lane (nou Dark Lane na Birkhouse, maar oorspronklik 'n roete na Penistone) in. Ten einde paaie in 'n beter toestand te hou, is trusts in 1663 gevorm en hierdie trusts was gemagtig om tolgelde van padgebruikers te hef om vir die onderhoud van die paaie te betaal. Wetgewing het dinge soos wa breedte en lengte en wiel breedtes bepaal.
Baie mense het die jaar 1666 gevrees. It was a year which obtained the number of the Beast referred to in the Book of Revelation and some thought that this heralded the end of the world. In the month of October, a comet ominously appeared in the sky over the Midlands, just as one had appeared over London in 1665, before the outbreak of the Great Plague; and this heavenly activity was invested with great significance by contemporaries. In reality 1666 did prove to be an extraordinary year. In January, the French joined in the war between England and Holland, on the side of the Dutch. (Cooper, Stephen: When night-dogs ran. A Yorkshire Poacher and his family, 1642-1699)
Dit wil
voorkom asof die meeste twee-vuurherd huishoudings vier na ses kamers gehad
het. Dit is baie moeilik om ‘n verband tussen huisgrootte en welvaart in
die 17de eeu te bepaal. Faktore soos die grootte van die kamers, die aantal
kamers en die toestand van 'n woning, die ouderdom van die inwoners en
die grootte van die gesin, moet in ag geneem word.
In 1674 word daar in die Spencer-Stanhope (Cawthorne) papers melding gemaak van Shepley Abbey. Die plaas sou na die ontbinding van die Kloosters deur Henry VIII aan nuwe eienaars toegestaan gewees het, maar dit is nie duidelik wie hulle was, totdat die huis en landbougrond in die Spencer-Stanhope familie van Cannon Hall tussen Cawthorne en High Hoyland se papers genoem is nie. Die Abbey en plaas was in die 19de eeu in besit van die Armitage Familie wat oorspronklik van High Hoyland afkomstig was. Hulle was in besit van een van die meule in Shepley. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepley)

Yew Tree Cottage - 1685 EW (Billington, David: Shepley, Believe it …… or Not!)

Long Close Lane (Billington, David:
Shepley, Believe it …… or Not!)
Shepley was an enclosed village. Verskeie dorpe het 'n Lydgate gehad. In Shepley
was die Lidgates daar om te verhoed
dat diere rondloop. In 1664
three tenants of Lidgate were instructed to ‘cutt their hedges so carriages
might pass’. Stretch Gate (formerly with a Cowgate at the bottom), Rowgate
(formerly Nabscliffe Road) and Cliffe Road (formerly Waingate – wain being a
farm cart), were all ancient tracks and entrances to the village. (Billington, David: Shepley, Believe
it …… or Not!)
Shepley het steeds ‘n
Lydgate wat ‘n Pinfold vir verdwaalde diere het. Dit is by Pinfold Cottage.
Regs: The Pinfold,
originally for penning stray animals. (Billington, David: Shepley, Believe it …… or Not!)
Baie mense het die jaar 1666 gevrees. It was a year which obtained the number of the Beast referred to in the Book of Revelation and some thought that this heralded the end of the world. In the month of October, a comet ominously appeared in the sky over the Midlands, just as one had appeared over London in 1665, before the outbreak of the Great Plague; and this heavenly activity was invested with great significance by contemporaries. In reality 1666 did prove to be an extraordinary year. In January, the French joined in the war between England and Holland, on the side of the Dutch. (Cooper, Stephen: When night-dogs ran. A Yorkshire Poacher and his family, 1642-1699)
Met die Lady Day Hearth tax van 1672 kom John Wortley en William Wortley
se name in Shepley voor. Beide is vir 2
vuurherte belas.
Shepley (Shipley): Thomas Firth 5; Edmond Morehouse 2;
Richard Earnshawe 1; John Wortley 2; John Pogson 2;
Willm Morehouse 3; Willm Hurst 3; Mathew Berrey 2;
Willm Kay 1; John Booth 1; Joseph Hobson 1; Abraham
Swallow 1; Willm Kay 3; Thomas Roebuck 2; Marke Burditt 2;
John Beamond 1; John Archer 1; Willm Wortley 2; Widdow
Hopkinson 1; Edward Walker 1; Ralph Goulthropp 3; Thomas Wood
1; Joseph Goulthropp 1; Thomas Firth 1; Thomas Bothamley 1;
Abraham Hepworth 1; Joseph Marsden 1; Widdow Bray 2;
John Bray 2; Edward Goulthropp 1; Willm Hobson 1;
Thomas Archer 1; Joseph Archer 1; Widdow Copley 3;
Edward Armitage 3; 60 The person undernamed is discharged by Certifte
John Hobson 1. Richard Pickard Collr; Willm Hurst Const.
(http://www.hearthtax.org.uk/communities/westriding/w_yorks_transcript.pdf )
In 1674 word daar in die Spencer-Stanhope (Cawthorne) papers melding gemaak van Shepley Abbey. Die plaas sou na die ontbinding van die Kloosters deur Henry VIII aan nuwe eienaars toegestaan gewees het, maar dit is nie duidelik wie hulle was, totdat die huis en landbougrond in die Spencer-Stanhope familie van Cannon Hall tussen Cawthorne en High Hoyland se papers genoem is nie. Die Abbey en plaas was in die 19de eeu in besit van die Armitage Familie wat oorspronklik van High Hoyland afkomstig was. Hulle was in besit van een van die meule in Shepley. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepley)
ná die Restoration, is
twee wette van die Parlement deurgevoer, waardeur die militia op 'n ander
grondslag geplaas is. Daar was vereis
dat elke persoon wat 'n inkomste van £ 500 per jaar uit vaste eiendom ontvang,
of in besit van ‘n persoonlike landgoed ter waarde van £ 6000 was, ‘n
perderuiter moes voorsien, toerus, en ondersteun; terwyl ander, wat £ 50 'n
jaar inkomste van eiendom gehad het, of ‘n persoonlike landgoed ter bedrae van
die som van £ 600 gehad het, op dieselfde manier een pikeman of Musketeer moes verskaf. The services of the standing army
were dispensed with, and the militia is said to have been the only force which
this country possessed for many years after the termination of the civil wars. Its strength was estimated at near one hundred and thirty thousand men, under
the direction of the Sovereign, and officered by the lords-lieutenant and their
deputies, who fixed the time for drilling, which was not to exceed fourteen
days in the year. For disobedience or breach of discipline, the magistrates had
power to inflict penalties. "Sir Michael Wentworth's regiment was raised
in the wapentakes before mentioned. I have been favoured with a copy of his
muster-roll, executed about the year 1680, which shows who were chargeable at
that period. It is headed —"Militia" — Sr. Michaell Wentworth's
Regimt., within the Muster Roll of wappentakes of Agbrigg, Staincross,
Osgoldcross, Strafford, 1680.
(https://archive .org/stream/historyoftowntow00jack/historyoftowntow00jack_djvu.txt)
Muster Roll of Sir Michael Wentworth’s Regiment. 1680.
Shepley. — Rich. Matthewman, Musketeer. ; John Wortley, Musketeer. ; Tho.
Ferth, M.
(https://archive.org/stream/historyoftowntow00jack/history oftowntow00jack_djvu.txt)
In ‘n voormalige
plaashuis in Yew Tree Road verskyn daar die datum 1685 – EW op die bo-drumpel. Die EW verwys na Edward Walker. Die
gebruik was om die voorletters van die eienaar van die eiendom, as
statussimbool aan te bring. (It) often indicated a person of some standing. (Billington, David: Shepley, Believe it
…… or Not!).

Yew Tree Cottage - 1685 EW (Billington, David: Shepley, Believe it …… or Not!)
gevoel van “behoort” aan beide 'n spesifieke plek ('n dorp of 'n landelike
gemeente) en 'n wyer distrik of "country" was sterker in die
sewentiende eeu en die meeste gesinne het in 'n wêreld van beperkte horisonne
gewoon. The whole way of life
for ordinary Yorkshire men and women was peculiar to their particular
“countries”. The gentry families were sometimes linked by marriage at the
county level, but ordinary families were not. (Hey, David: Introduction: The West Riding in the
late Seventeenth Century) Min mense, buiten die elite, het ooit buite die
gemeente of die naaste markdorp gereis. Min mense het meer as 'n paar
honderd ander mense saam gesien. Kerkdienste, markte, feeste, en tradisionele
vieringe by die herehuis was die belangrikste geleenthede. Almal het
mekaar geken. Produksie-eenhede was klein. Die grootste adelike
huishoudings het ‘n honderd dienaars en arbeiders gehad, maar die meeste
huishoudings was baie kleiner. Selfs in die dorpe, is die meeste werk in
huishoudings deur die meester of vakman, sy vrou en familie, en sy vakleerlinge
en arbeiders gedoen.
f.1. Edward WORTLEY, ged. 25/09/1659, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland.
f.2. John WORTLEY, ged. 14/09/1662, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland.
f.3. Michael WORTLEY, ged. 01/05/1666, Shepley, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland, x c. 1695, Shepley, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland met Ellin MORTON, ged. April 1667, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, Engeland.
f.4. Mary WORTLEY, ged. 25/05/1675, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, Engeland.