e.1. Nicholas, geb. c. 1235, oorl.
1267 (Under age 37 Henry 3 died 51 Henry
3) x c. 1255, Wortley met Joan
MUSARD, geb. c.1237, Staveley, Yorkshire, England, d.v.
Ralph Musard, Baron of Staveley en Christina NN (Christiance
of Yorkshire xx Matilda DUTTON, geb. c. 1240, Wortley, d.v.
Geoffrey de Dutton (baron of Staveley) en Idonea Lacie.
Nicholas was die seun van Nicholas Wortley en Isabel Heron.
Joseph: Pedigrees of the County Families
of Yorkshire, Vol. 2, West Riding. London. 1874)
Net soos sy vader het hierdie Nicholas ook in Koning Henry III (r.1216 -1272)
se regeringstyd geleef. Koning Henry III
se finansiële steun aan die pous en sy buitelandse voorkeure het die Engelse
baronne vyandiggesind teenoor hom gemaak.
Hulle het die Provisions of Oxford
in 1258 uitgebring om die koning se mag
te beperk. (Royal family history http://www.britroyals.com/kings.asp?id=henry3)
The Provisions of Oxford (1258) and the
Provisions of Westminster (1259) were attempts by the nobles to define common
law in the spirit of Magna Carta, control appointments and set up an
aristocratic council. Henry tried to
defeat them by obtaining papal absolution from his oaths, and enlisting King
Louis XI's help. Koning Henry III se
weiering om die provisions te
aanvaar, het gelei tot die tweede Barons
War in 1264, ‘n revolusie van adelikes, gelei deur die koning se swaer
Simon de Montfert. (Royal family history
Die baronne, onder Simon de Montfort, was
aanvanklik suksesvol en het vir Henry gevange geneem. Koning Henry III was in die
tronk gegooi, maar het weer sy troon teruggekry na die oorwinning by Evesham in
1265. (Royal family history http://www.britroyals.com/kings.asp?id=henry3)
Henry escaped, joined forces with the lords of
the Marches (on the Welsh border), and finally defeated and killed de Montfort
at the Battle of Evesham in 1265. http://www.royal.gov.uk/historyofthemonarchy/kingsandqueensofengland/theplantagenets/henryiii.aspx )
Koninklike gesag is herstel met die Statute of Marlborough (1267) waarin
die koning beloof het om Magna Carta en sommige bepalings van Westminster te
handhaaf. http://www.royal.gov.uk/historyofthemonarchy/kingsandqueensofengland/theplantagenets/henryiii.aspx Die Britse Parliament dateer uit ongeveer
1116, maar het bestaan uit die ancient
barons, who appeared at Westminter clad in armour, with swords by their sides.
Op 20 Januarie 1265 was daar egter ‘n vergadering met twee ridders uit elke shire en met deputies van die larger order
of Boroughs. The House of Commons became the connecting
link in ‘the chain which unites the cornmonalty with the nobles of the land, by
defending the rights and privileges of all classes of his majesty’s subjects,
and adding strength and security to the throne, by its counsel, and munificent
votes of supply. (http://www.nottshistory.org.uk/piercy1828/retford4.htm)
Musard. Domesday was compiled twenty years after the
Norman invasion, a period during which King William had redistributed most of
the landholdings in the country to his followers. By 1086,Staveley was just one
of a number of properties that had been given to Ascoit (also Ascuit, Hascuit,
Hascoit or Hasculf) Musard, who originally came from Brittany and whose name is
recorded at Battle Abbey as having fought alongside William the Conqueror at
the Battle of Hastings. The genealogical records show that there was six
generations of Musards after Ascoit came over to England in 1066. (Staveley Hall:
An outline chronology. staveley_hall_a_timeline_chronology.pdf) Hasculph, was seated in Derbyshire, where his son
Richard was Baron of Staveley, and his grandson, Hasculph II., on the occasion
of the marriage of Henry II.'s daughter, certified that he held fifteen and a
half knight's fees. This latter Hasculph died 33 Henry II., and was succeeded
by Ralph, who was High Sheriff of Gloucester 17 John, and continued Sheriff
till 9 Henry III. His home was at Misarden or Musarden in that county, which
had taken its name from the Musards, and continued in their possession for
about two hundred and forty years; that is, from the Conquest till the end of
Edward I.'s reign. "He married Isabel, the widow of John de Nevill,
without the King's License, and paid one hundred Marks for his Transgression.
He built a Castle at Misarden, and the old ruins of a place in Misarden Park is
at this Day called Musard's Castle. He was a Baron of the Realm, and this
Manor, in ancient Records, is called the Barony of Misarden. He died 14 Henry
III., and was succeeded by Robert his Son, who dying without Issue, Ralph
Musard was his Brother and Heir, and being under-age at his Brother's Death, he
was given in Ward to Jeffrey Despencer, who in consideration thereof paid five
hundred Marks to the Crown. Ralph died 49 Henry III., and left John his Son and
Heir, who had Livery of the Manor of Misarden 15 Edward I., and died two years
after. (The battle abbey roll with
some account of the norman lineages in three volumes. Vol II.
http://www.1066.co.nz/library/battle_abbey_roll2/subchap172.htm) John Musard died at the age of twenty-three
without an heir and his estates passed to his uncle, Nicholas. He was Rector of
Staveley, and as a celibate any children he had were illegitimate and unable to
succeed him. As a result, on his death in 1301 the direct male line died out
and the estate passed to the female line, in this case to Nicholas Musard’s
three sisters, Amicia, Margaret and Isabella, effectively splitting it into
three from this point. Amicia, the eldest, had married Anker Frecheville, Lord
of Crich, but both had died before Nicholas Musard, with the result that their
third share of the estate passed to their son, Ralph Frecheville. (Staveley
Hall: An outline chronology. staveley_hall_a_timeline_chronology.pdf) Musard
(Stavely, Derb.) Arms: - Or, two chevrons. Within a bordure azure. (The
British herald; or, cabinet of armorial bearings of the nobility)

(Foster, Joseph, Hon. M.A. Oxon: Some feudal coats of arms, London, 1902)
Die huwelik tussen Nicholas Wortley en Joan Musard in ongeveer 1255 het
die Horbury estate toegevoeg. (Gatty,
Alfred, rev., D.D. vicar of Ecclesfield,
and sub, dean of York: Wortley & the
Wortleys - a lecture delivered before the Sheffield literary and philosophical
society also the Rotherham literary and scientific society, 1877, Sheffield)
Horbury was deel van die Manor of
Wakefield, wie se grondbesit vanaf
Wakefield in die weste, op met die Calder vallei na Halifax en verder gestrek
het. Dit word in die Domesday survey van
1086, "Orberie" genoem. Horbury and Crigglestone, on the south
side of the River Calder, were the only part of the Manor of Wakefield not
described as "waste". It recorded about 40 people and four oxdrawn
ploughs in 'Orberie' and 'Crigeston' combined. There were about 400 acres (1.6
km2) of land in cultivation and much woodland. Die
Manor of Wakefield was in 1106 deur Koning
William aan die Earls Warenne gegee
en hulle het dit tot 1359 gehou. In 1106 Henry I granted the Manor of
Wakefield, including Horbury, to Earl William de Warrenne. In 1302 Sir John de Horbiry, a Warrenne
steward, was granted the village and lands for life. By this time there was a corn mill and a
fulling mill for woollen cloth working near Horbury ford though the village
population was probably little more than one hundred. (Discover the history of Horbury - Around town magazines http://magazine.aroundtownpublications.co.uk/discover-the-history-of-horbury/487/)
Joan Musard moes baie jonk gewees het toe sy dood is. This
Johanna or Joan Musard is no where else mentioned, and must have died before
her brother Nicholas. (Pedigree of
the Frecheville and Musard families – Collectanea topographica genealigica) Nicholas hertrou met Matilda Dutton, die
dogter van Geoffrey de Dutton en Idonea Lacie.
Nicholas hertrou met Matilda Dutton.
Dutton. Odard came to England from Avranches at the time of the Conquest. Odard was one of six brothers: Nigel (Baron of Halton), Geoffrey, Odard, Edard, Horswin and Wlofaith. These six brothers accompanied their ‘uncle,’ Hugh Lupus (later Earl of Chester), into England, in the train of William the Conqueror, their distant cousin; and on the establishment of Norman power had various estates and honours conferred upon them. Nigel was created Baron of Halton and Constable of Cheshire; Geoffrey was Lord of Stockport; Edard, Lord of Haselwell; Horswin, Lord of Shrigley; Odard, Lord of Dutton; and Wlofaith, a priest (file: Downloads/AGR-2012-42.pdf) It was Odard who was granted a third of the township in 1086, that first used it as his surname. The remaining portions were acquired by his descendants in 1341 and 1354. It was the Earl, Hugh of Lupis that granted the land at Dutton to Odard. Both Odard and William were descended from Rollo, the first Duke of Normandy. Rollo, in turn, was descended from the King of Finland as described in Scandinavian sagas. The direct male Dutton line continued for some 600 years.
The pedigree of the Duttons of Dutton
(first mentioned in Domesday, 1086)
(whose lands were confirmed directly by the earl of Chester)
Hugh de Dutton
(who reiceived confirmation of his lands from William fitz Nigel at his father;s deathbed)
Hugh Dutton
(his brothers were Adam, who founded the Warburton line, and Geoffrey who was ancestor of the Duttons of Cheadle.) He married the daughter of Hamon Mascy, baron of Dunham Massey.
Adam de Dutton
Adam de Dutton was born at of Warburton, Cheshire, England. He married Agnes FitzAlured, daughter of Roger (Hugh) FitzAlured and Maude. Adam de Dutton died before 1189.
John Dutton I Agatha Dutton
Geoffrey de Dutton
He was born at of Warburton & Nether Tabley, Cheshire, England. He married Idonea Lacie, daughter of Sir John de Lacy, Magna Carta Surety, 7th Earl of Lincoln and Margaret de Quincy. Geoffrey de Dutton died circa 1248 at of Aston, near Budworth, Cheshire, England.
Nicholas sterf 1267 (died 51 Henry 3)
f.1. Nicholas, geb. c. 1257, Wortley, oorl. 1305 (33 Edward I) x met NN de HORBURY, d.v. Sir Ralph de Horbury.
f.2. Ralph, geb. c. 1258, Wortley.