f.2. Doreen RITCHIE, geb. 05/11/1940

f.2. Doreen, geb. 05/11/1940, Brakpan, Suid Afrika, oorl. 27/10/2024, Ashford, Engeland.  Ongetroud.

Doreen was die dogter van Joseph Ritchie en Eva Priscilla Stewart.

Jeanne en Doreen

Verjaarsdagkaartjie van haar oupa en ouma.

Kaartjie vanaf St Andrews Presbytarian Sunday School, Brakpan

Jeanne en Doreen saam met hulle ouers

Hulle het in 1949 na Rhodesië toe getrek. In September 1950 het hulle Selukwe (nou Chirugwe) toe getrek.


1953.  Jeanne 15 en Doreen 13 op die Durbanse strand

In 1955 kry sy 'n poskaart van haar oupa af.



In 1958 saam met haar suster Jeanne en hulle pa Joseph Ritchie.

In Aunty D se eie woorde:  I nursed all my life from 1958 to 2002.

In Mei 1960 saam met haar ouers Joseph Ritchie en Eva Priscilla Stewart.

Haar adres was Nurses home, Addington St, Durban, Natal in 1961

Jeanne en Doreen in 1961


RMS Pendennis Castle was 'n Royal Mail Ship, 'n passasiers- en vragskip wat deur die Union-Castle Line bedryf is. Die vaartuig het vanaf 1959-1976 op 'n gereelde roete tussen die VK en Suid-Afrika vir die Southampton na Las Palmas, Kaapstad, Port Elizabeth, Oos-Londen en Durban "Cape Mail"-diens gevaar.

In 1964 is Doreen in London.  Haar adres was 86 Dalling Rd, Ravenscourt Park, London.

Sy het ook in Bromley gewerk.  

Bromley, buitenste stadsdeel van Londen, Engeland, aan die suidoostelike omtrek van die metropool. Die grootste deel van die stad is deel van die historiese graafskap Kent, maar sy mees westelike uitbreidings behoort histories aan Surrey. Bromley is die grootste in gebied van die Londense distrikte. Die huidige distrik Bromley is in 1965 gestig deur die samesmelting van die voormalige distrikte Beckenham en Bromley en (in Kent) die stedelike distrikte Orpington, Penge en 'n deel van Chislehurst en Sidcup. Die stad strek oor gebiede soos (ongeveer van noord na suid) Mottingham, Sydenham (gedeeltelik), Elmstead, Penge, Anerley, Chislehurst, Beckenham, Bromley, Elmers End, Shortlands, St. Paul's Cray, Bickley, Petts Wood, Southborough , St. Mary Cray, Kevingtown, Orpington, Hayes, West Wickham, Locksbottom, Keston, Farnborough, Chelsfield, Green Street Green, Pratt's Bottom, Leaves Green, Downe, Cudham, Biggin Hill en Westerham Hill.

Die Royal Air Force Search and Rescue Force (RAF SARF of RAF SAR Force) was 'n eenheid van die Royal Air Force (RAF) wat 24 uur per dag lugvaartkundige soek- en reddingsdekking verskaf het in die Verenigde Koninkryk, Ciprus en die Falkland-eilande.

En op 17/07/1965 is  Chris en Doreen by Keswick stasie.

In 1966 saam met haar suster Jeanne se twee seuns.

Jeanne en Doreen in 1967

Mei 1969

Sy was die eerste vroue student by BTC Kaapstad, nou bekend as Cape Town Baptist Seminary. Om vrou alleen saam met net mans te studeer was nie altyd maklik nie, maar sy het enige snedigheid geignoreer en het aan die einde van die jaar akademies beter gedoen as haar mede studente. Na Kollege het sy haar as 'n vroedvrou bekwaam by 'n sendinghospitaal.




Later het sy Johannesburg toe getrek waar sy as 'n verpleegster wat spesialiseer in kardio-torakale sorg gewerk het.

Doreen studeer aan UNISA en verwerf haar graad in 1883.


Sy het graag gereis en het Israel in 1986 besoek.



Sy doen 'n volgende Israel toer van 12 Junie tot 29 Junie 1988.


In 2002 was haar adres 26, 355 Main Ave, Ferndale, Gauteng, Suid Afrika

Aan die einde van haar loopbaan het sy na die Verenigde Koninkryk verhuis. Hier het sy vir 16 jaar as 'n versorger gewerk, waarna sy op die ouderdom van 76, 6 maande na sy aftrede, 'n ernstige beroerte aanval gehad het.

In Aunty D se eie woorde:  Then I came to the U.K. as a carer and worked as a live-in-carer.  The caring was all around the country.  I use to visit Ashford when I was not working.  When Pat (my friend) died, her husband went to South Africa.  I would stay in Jeremy's plot.

Doreen se huis in Ashford.

Doreen sterf op 27/10/2024.  Die volgende boodskappie is deur die Willesborough Baptist Church, waarvan sy 'n gemeentelid was, deurgegee:

Dear church family,

Our sister Doreen Ritchie went to be with Jesus on Sunday evening (27th October). Some of us might only know Doreen as one of the older members of our congregation, who on a Sunday would sit about a third of the way back on the right hand side of the congregation by the aisle, and would always come impeccably dressed (and colour coordinated!). But there was a lot more to Doreen!

When she was younger she told God there were two things she would never do: go to Bible college and work in a mission hospital. She ended up doing both! She was a pioneer as the first female student at BTC Cape Town, now known as Cape Town Baptist Seminary. If you asked her about it, she would downplay the challenge of being the first female student in an all-male environment, simply saying she ignored the stick she got from other students. She studied Greek and Hebrew and wasn't afraid to be outspoken, once saying to the lecturer that she didn't understand Greek participles at all, to gasps around her class. However, it turned out that no-one else did either, only they wouldn't say it, and at the end of year, she beat all her fellow students in the test!

After college she went to mission hospital, training in midwifery. She was so good, that she ended up training other nurses. Later she moved to Johannesburg where she worked as a nurse specialising in cardio-thoracic care (heart and lungs), then she spent 16 years working as a carer, moving to the UK at the end of her career. Doreen suffered quite a major stroke at the age of 76, 6 months after retiring. She needed a lot of rehab and never fully recovered movement on her left hand side. She came into membership at WBC shortly before I started at the church in 2019.

Throughout these last few years she has suffered continual health set-backs and time in and out of hospital. After her sister passed away, her only relatives were two nephews living in South Africa and Australia. Covid was particularly difficult for Doreen, living on her own, but she managed to watch the DVDs of the service delivered each week and later (after several tutorial sessions on her tablet from Katie!) managed to get the hang of YouTube as well!

Doreen wrestled with God a lot over her health in later years but continued to look to Him, read his Word and seek to learn more about God. At the same time, she often longed to be in that place where there is no more death or mourning or crying or pain, with her Saviour Jesus, fully healed and set free from all the limitations in this life that had become considerable these past few years. Now she is with Him, more alive than ever!

Thank you to all those in our church family who loved Doreen so well these past few years. We pray especially for those that were close to Doreen, for her nephews, and for all who are grieving at this time.

With much love,

Pastor Mark
Willesborough Baptist Church, Hythe Road, Ashford, TN24 0QR