v.2. Mary WORTLEY MONTAGU, geb. 19/01/1718

v.2.  Mary WORTLEY MONTAGU, geb. 19/01/1718, Contantinople, oorl. 06/11/1794, Isleworth, Middlesex, begr. St. Leonard's Churchyard, Wortley x 24/08/1736 met John STUART, geb. 25/05/1713, Parliament Close, Edinburgh, oorl. 10/03/1792, 3rd Earl of Bute, oorl. 10/03/1792, South Audley Street, Grosvenor Square, Westminster, begr. Rothesay on the Isle of Bute, s.v. James Stuart, 2nd Earl of Bute en Lady Anne Campbell.

Mary WORTLEY MONTAGU was die dogter van  Edward Wortley Montagu en Lady Mary Pierrepoint.

(Foster, Joseph:.Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire, Vol. 2, West Riding. London: 1874)

John Stuart het by Eton College studeer van 1724 tot 1730. Hy het voortgegaan om siviele reg aan die Universiteite van Groningen (1730–1732) en Leiden (1732–1734) in Nederland te studeer en aan laasgenoemde 'n graad in siviele reg verwerf.

Hy was 'n nabye familielid van die Campbell Clan (sy moeder was 'n dogter van die 1ste hertog van Argyll), Bute succeeded to the Earldom of Bute (genoem na die eiland Bute) met die dood van sy vader in 1723. Hy is daarna grootgemaak deur sy ooms aan moederskant, die 2de hertog van Argyll en Archibald Campbell, 3de hertog van Argyll, 1ste en enigste graaf van Ilay. In Augustus 1735 het hy saam met Mary Wortley Montagu elope, wie se ouers Sir Edward en Lady Mary Wortley Montagu traag was om tot die huwelik toe te stem. In 1737 is hy as 'n Skotse verteenwoordigende eweknie verkies; ten spyte daarvan dat hy in Desember daardie jaar in Londen was, het hy nie aan beraadslagings in die House of Lords deelgeneem nie.  As gevolg van sy steun vir Argyll teen Walpole, is hy nie in 1741 herkies nie. Vir die volgende paar jaar het hy na sy landgoedere in Skotland gegaan om sy sake te bestuur en sy belangstelling in plantkunde te geniet. 

In 1745 het Bute verhuis na Westminster, Londen, waar sy gesin 'n huis by Twickenham vir vyf-en-veertig pond per jaar gehuur het. Hy het Frederick, Prins van Wallis, in 1747 by die Egham-wedrenne ontmoet en 'n goeie vriend geword. Na die Prins se dood in 1751, is Bute as tutor van Prins George, die nuwe Prins van Wallis aangestel. Bute het gereël dat die Prins en sy broer Prins Edward 'n kursus oor natuurfilosofie deur die rondreisende dosent Stephen Demainbray volg. Bute het verder bevriend geraak met prins Frederick se weduwee, Augusta van Saxe-Gotha, prinses van Wallis en daar was gerugte dat hulle 'n verhouding gehad het. Indeed, one of the Prince of Wales's associates, John Horne Tooke, published a scandalous pamphlet alluding to the liaison, but the rumours were almost certainly untrue, since Bute held sincere religious beliefs against adultery and by all indications, appeared happily married. 

Mary was the only daughter and made heress by her father’s will.  
Die landgoedere wat aan die gravin van Bute nagelaat is, het die oorspronklike Wortley Estates, Tintagel Estates en Simonstone in Wensley Dale en £500,000 ingesluit. (https://udspace.udel.edu/bitstream/handle/19716/17153/Worthley%2C%20Nicole.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)

Vanweë die invloed wat hy oor sy leerling gehad het, het Bute verwag om vinnig tot politieke mag te styg ná George se troonbestyging in 1760, maar sy planne het nie dadelik uitgewerk nie. Dit sou eers nodig wees om beide die sittende eerste minister (die hertog van Newcastle) en waarskynlik die selfs kragtiger minister van buitelandse sake vir die suidelike departement (William Pitt die Ouderling) te verwyder. Die regering van die dag, gedryf deur onlangse suksesse in die Sewejarige Oorlog, was egter gewild en het goed gevaar by die algemene verkiesing wat, soos destyds gebruiklik was, met die toetreding van die nuwe monarg plaasgevind het.

Met die ondersteun van die koning het Bute homself tot mag verhef deur eers 'n bondgenoodskap met Newcastle teen Pitt te vorm, oor laasgenoemde se begeerte om oorlog teen Spanje te verklaar. Nadat hy deur Bute en Newcastle gedwarsboom is, het Pitt sy pos as minister van buitelandse sake vir die suidelike departement bedank. Vervolgens het Bute Newcastle se bedanking as premier afgedwing toe hy homself in 'n klein minderheid binne die regering bevind het. Bute, wat in 1760 as 'n Skotse verteenwoordigende eweknie herkies is, is aangestel as die de facto eerste minister na die bedankings van Pitt en Newcastle en het sodoende 'n lang tydperk van Whig-oorheersing beëindig.

1761.  Bute was appointed Ranger of Richmond Park by King George III, a post he held until his death; Bute Avenue in Petersham near the park is named after him. 

1761. (Mary) Created Baroness Mount Stuart, of Wortley in the county of York, with a remainder to her male heirs by her husband.

Coat of arms of Baroness Mount Stuart

1762. John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute became the prime minister of Great Britain.

John Stuart was 'n Britse edelman wat van 1762 tot 1763 onder George III as Eerste Minister van Groot-Brittanje gedien het. Hy was die eerste premier van Skotland na die Acts of Union van 1707 en die eerste Tory wat die pos beklee het. Bute's premiership was notable for the negotiation of the Treaty of Paris (1763) which concluded the Seven Years' War. In so doing, Bute had to soften his previous stance in relation to concessions given to France in that he agreed that the important fisheries in Newfoundland be returned to France without Britain's possession of Guadeloupe in return.  After peace was concluded, Bute and the King decided that Britain's military expenditure should not exceed its prewar levels, but they thought a large presence was necessary in America to deal with the French and Spanish threat. They therefore charged the colonists for the increased military levels, thus catalysing the resistance to taxes which led to the American Revolution. Bute also introduced a cider tax of four shillings per hogshead in 1763 to help finance the Seven Years' War.

Bute (1770)

Die joernalis John Wilkes het 'n koerant, The North Briton, gepubliseer waarin beide Bute en die Dowager-prinses van Wallis wreed bespot is. Bute het kort daarna as eerste minister bedank, hoewel hy as 'n Skotse verteenwoordigende eweknie in die House of Lords gebly het tot 1780. Hy het vriendelik gebly met die Dowager-prinses van Wallis, maar haar pogings om hom met George III te versoen, was tevergeefs.

3rd Earl of Bute by Sir Joshua Reynolds

Bute het Luton Hoo, of Luton Park, van Francis Herne (LP) in 1763 gekoop vir die bedrag van £94,700.  Recognising that the existing buildings were unsuitable, Bute commissioned the neoclassical architect Robert Adam to oversee the redesign of the estate house. Initial designs were unsatisfactory and, coupled with the sale of Bute House, Adams submitted new designs for a larger complex, which Bute further adjusted to include five book rooms and seven water closets. The building also housed an extensive art collection, particularly paintings of the Dutch and Flemish schools. A fire in March 1771 "did considerable damage" according to contemporary reports. The project was completed by 1773 but not according to the full plan, the second phase of which was abandoned. Dr. Samuel Johnson visiting the house in 1781 is quoted as saying, "This is one of the places I do not regret coming to see...in the house magnificence is not sacrificed to convenience, nor convenience to magnificence"

Luton Hoo mansion in 2009

1774. Mary Delany het aan haar vriend Bernard Granville, Jacobite Duke of Albemarle, geskryf en gesê: "You know so much of Lady Bute that I need say nothing of her agreeableness, her good sense, and good principles, which with great civility must be always pleasing.

Karl Wolfgang Schweizer het vir die Oxford Dictionary of National Biography geskryf: Lady Bute seems to have been a woman of prudence, loyalty, and tact, greatly devoted to her husband and family.

Lady Bute in 1780

Bute is ook verkies as die eerste president van die Society of Antiquaries of Scotland toe dit in 1780 gestig is.

Vir die res van sy lewe het Bute by sy landgoed in Hampshire gebly, waar hy vir hom 'n herehuis genaamd High Cliff naby Christchurch gebou het. Van daar af het hy sy belangstelling in plantkunde voortgesit en 'n groot literêre en artistieke beskermheer geword. Onder sy begunstigdes was Samuel Johnson, Tobias Smollett, Robert Adam, William Robertson en John Hill. Hy het ook heelwat aan die Skotse universiteite gegee. Hy het Alberto Fortis se reise na Dalmatië gefinansier. Sy botaniese werk het gelei tot die publikasie van Botanical Tables Containing the Families of British Plants in 1785. Selfs ná sy aftrede is Bute in die jare voor die Amerikaanse Revolusionêre Oorlog deur baie Amerikaners daarvan beskuldig dat hy 'n onnodige slegte invloed op die Britse regering gehad het.


(Foster, Joseph:.Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire, Vol. 2, West Riding. London: 1874)

w.1. Mary STUART, geb. c. 1741, oorl. 05/04/1824 x 07/09/1761 met James Lowther, Earl of Lonsdale

w.2. John STUART, geb. 30/06/1744, oorl. 16/11/1814 x Charlotte Jane Windsor (daughter of the Earl of Pemboke) the largest landowner in CardiffLord Mount Stuart, politician who succeeded as 4th Earl of Bute.  Later 1st Marquess of Bute.

w.3.  Lady Ann STUART, geb. c. 1745 x 02/07/1764 met Hugh Percy, Lord Warkworth, later the 2nd Duke of Northumberland.

w.4. Sir James Archibald STUART WORTLEY MACKENZIE, geb. 19/09/1747, oorl. 01/03/1818 x 08/06/1767 met Margaret CUNNINGHAME (
Cunynghame), geb. 13/12/1745, oorl. 13/01/1808, begr. Wortley., d.v. Sir David Cunninghame, Bart, of Levingstone, by the Lady Mary Montgomerie, d.v. Alexander, Eartl of Englintown,, which latter name he assumed in January 1795 on becoming heir to the estates of hies mother an subsequently inheriting the landed property in Scotland of his uncle, the Right Hon. James Stuart Mackenzie, assumed, in 1803, the name and arms of Mackenzie, of Roschaugh. Politician and author.

w.5. Jane STUART, geb. c. 1748, oorl. 28/02/1828 x 01/02/1768 met George Macartney, Earl Macartney

w.6. Frederick STUART, geb. 09/1751, oorl. 17/05/1802.  Politician.

w.7. Sir Charles STUART, geb. 01/1753, oorl. 25/05/1801. K.B. and general in the army Baron Stuart de Rutyhesay, extinct. Soldier and politician

w.8. William STUART, geb. 03/1755, oorl. 06/03/1822, 
Anglican prelate. Archbishop of Armagh