o.1 Harry Beresford WORTLEY, geb. 31/10/1932

o.1.  Harry Beresford,  geb. 31/10/1932, Stockport, Lancashire, Engeland, oorl. 24/09/1997, Kaapstad x 06/02/1960, Selukwe, Rhodesië met Jeanne RITCHIE, geb. 09/03/1939, Brakpan, Suid-Afrika, oorl. 12/07/2012, Bexley Heath, Engeland, d.v.  Joseph Ritchie van Engeland en Eva Pricilla Stewart van Australië.

Harry Beresford was die seun van Joseph Edwin Wortley en Alice Nelson.

Harry Beresford Wortley was op 31 Oktober 1932 in die Stockport distrik gebore, en het in Cheadle, Cheshire gewoon.

Uit hulle pa se sterfkennis van 1956:
FAMILYSEARCH:  Zimbabwe, death notices

As kind het Harry graag saam met ‘n dogtertjie, Jean, sy suster Cynthia, sy nefie Vernon en sy niggie Eunice gespeel.  Laasgenoemdes was sy ma se suster, Elizabeth Appleton, se kinders.

England & Wales marriages 1837-2008 Transcription
First name(s): ELIZABETH                         Last name: JOHNSON
Marriage quarter: 3                                      Marriage year: 1922
Spouse's last name: APPLETON
District: ORMSKIRK                                         County: Lancashire              Country:England
Volume: 8B                                                   Page: 1608
Record set England & Wales marriages 1837-2008.  Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records.  Record collection Marriages & divorces.  Collections from Great Britain© brightsolid online publishing ltd

Harry (bo), Vernon (links) Cynthia (regs)

Harry en Cynthia het aan die Cheadle Heath Primary School skoolgegaan.  Cheadle Heath is a suburb of Stockport, Greater Manchester, England.  It is approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) west of Stockport's town centre and 8 miles (13 km) southeast of the city of Manchester.  (Wikipedia)  Daarna is hulle na die Stockport Grammar School.  Stockport Grammar School is a British co-educational independent school located in Stockport, England. Founded in 1487 by former Lord Mayor of London Sir Edmund Shaa, it is the oldest operating institution of learning in the North of England.  (Wikipedia)

Stockport Grammer School.  The Main School’s West Face.  The photo was taken after construction in 1916 (Wikipedia)

Toe hy ouer was het Harry graag met skoolvakansies en langnaweke by sy Aunty Lizzy (Elizabeth) gekuier.  Hy het van jongs af ‘n belangstelling in kookkuns gehad en sy het hom daarin aangemoedig.  Gedurende die kwartaal het hy ook by die ou dame wat langs hulle gewoon het, gaan kuier en dan vir haar gehelp om kos te kook. As jong seun het Harry graag gaan fliek.

In Maart 1947, toe Harry 15 jaar oud was, het die familie na Rhodesië verhuis.  In ‘n brief gedateer 10 September 1947 geteken deur Stella Monk, die Assistant Director van die Empire Day movement (Engeland) word geskryf:  Dear Harry, I was pleased to have your name sent in to be inscribed on the Empire Roll which is kept in this office. Your name will be there, with others from schools throughout the Empire, many of them names of children of other nationalities, religions and races, but all of them citizens of the Empire in which we are happy to live.  Growing-up is an adventure, and we go out into the world and there we find happiness in helping other people, and in doing, with all our heart, any work in which we are engaged.  We also find many interests, some few disasters to overcome and plenty of fun.  That in secret ballot by your Head Teacher and school friends, your name is selected to be on the Empire roll, shows that you have the kind of character which should enable you to make the best use of opportunities coming your way.  Vir 1947 en 48 het Harry die Milton School bygewoon.  Milton High School is a government all-boys high school located in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It was the first government all-boys school established in Bulawayo. (Wikipedia)

Milton High School, Bulawayo

Harry het nie baie van sport nie, maar het wel baie van amateur dramatics gehou.  Reeds as jong seun was hy al betrokke by toneelspel en toneelopvoerings.  The first play this year was put on for Speech Night on the 9th of April, in the Dining Hall.  For this occasion a one-act play, The Last War, by Neil Grant, was selected.  Being an animal play it was not easy to produce with a schoolboy cast.  The stage was not high enough for everyone to be able to see and the acoustics of the hall were poor.  The success of the play was chiefly due to good production and the amount of work put into it by those who took part, including the off-stage members of the Society.  It would be difficult to say who had the main part in the play, when nearly all characters were animals, with the exception of the angel and the soldier.  (The Miltonian, Vol. XXXII December, 1948)   In The Last War  deur Neil Grant het Harry die rol van die Soldier gespeel.  (The Miltonian. December 1948)

“The Last War.”  The Angel addresses the survivors.

In 1947 het hy ‘n sertifikaat vanaf die Southern Rhodesia Education Department (Std. 8) ontvang.  Hierna het Harry na die Bulawayo tegniese skool gegaan tot 1950.  Bulawayo Technical School was established in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe in 1927. The school was established for boys likely to enter industrial life as an apprentice or otherwise.  High school status was achieved in 1931. (Wikipedia)

 Bulawayo Technical School 1950

The first dramatic performances at the Bulawayo Technical School formed part of what for many years was known as 'The School Concert and Prize-giving.' These occasions, which were attended by invited guests, parents and friends of the School, were held annually in November initially in what was called 'the School Theatre at the Hostel.' As the evenings consisted of a report by the Headmaster and the presentation of prizes and awards to pupils, time was limited, so the plays performed were always one-act plays.  A dramatic society was, however, formed only in 1947, and Mr. H. J. Sutherby, the Headmaster, became its president. The Dramatic Society met regularly for play readings and, a year after its inception, a Junior Dramatic Society was also started. As a result of this, two one-act plays again were performed each speech night, the one being presented by the Senior Dramatic Society and the other by the Junior. The two societies were a great success, as evidenced by the fact that, in 1951, two hundred members attended the annual general meeting.  In April 1948, Mrs. Sutherby directed the school's first full-length play — Laburnum Grove by J. B. Priestley. Girls who had connections with the school took the female roles in the play. Laburnum Grove was well received by the audiences, and Mrs. Sutherby continued to direct the major productions of 1951 and 1952.  (Gifford High School – Bulawayo – Jubilee magazine 1927-1977 Hinc Orior Rhodesia Zimbabwe. Least anyone forget)

Dramatic productions:
1949      Elegant Edward; The Murder of Duncan
1950      The Mock Doctor; The Little Man; GAPTAIN BRASSHOUND'S CONVERSION.
(Gifford High School – Bulawayo – Jubilee magazine 1927-1977 Hinc Orior Rhodesia Zimbabwe. Least anyone forget)

The Murder of Duncan waarin Harry die rol van Macbeth gespeel het, is tydens die speech night opgevoer by die Bulawayo Techniese skool op 29 Julie 1949.  The excerpt from Macbeth – The Murder of Duncan – performed by seniors, provided an excellent finale to the evening.  Much credit is due to the cast, and to the producer, Mr. Houlton, for a skilled performance and interpretation.  Performances in this were generally of a high quality, with Harold Wortley outstanding in the role of Macbeth.  Wortley possesses a good speaking voice, which he used to excellent effect, and good stage presence.  It is to be hoped that he will maintain an active intrest in amateur dramatics when he leaves school.  (Bulawayo Technical School Magazine. Vol. 3. No. 2. Nov. 1949)

In die Bulawayo Technical School Magazine November 1949, is die volgende van sy toneelspel gesê:  Performances in this were generally of a high quality, with Harold Wortley outstanding in the role of Macbeth.  Wortley possesses a good speaking voice, which he used to excellent effect, and good stage presence.  It is hoped that he will maintain an active intrest in amateur dramatics when he leaves school.  Op 31 Maart en 1 April 1950 is Captain Brassbound’s Conversion deur George Bernard Shaw, deur die Bulawayo Technical School Dramatic Society opgevoer.  Harry Wortley het die rol van Sir Howard Hallam gespeel.  Daar is berig:  H. Wortley gave a polished performance beyond his years as the elderly British justice, Sir Howard Hallam;  his hands were particularly indicative of age, both in action and make-up. (Koerantknipsel bron onbekend)
Toneel uit Captain Brassbound’s Conversion
Op 27 Julie 1950 het die Bulawayo Tegniese skool The Little Man tydens die speech night opgevoer en Harry het die rol van The little man gespeel.  The Speech Night audience this year was distinguished by the presence of the Prime Minister.  The Junior Section contributed “the Mock Doctor,” and the Seniors presented Galsworthy’s “Little Man.”  The latter is a difficult play for boys to perform, lacking action and plot, and dependent for its success wholly on the ability of the cast to convey the moral of its flimsy story.  That this was conveyed, convincingly, is to the real credit of the producer, Mr. Sayles, and to the very good work of his cast.  We know how good Harry Wortley can be;  he had little scope in this, but his carefully subdued “Little Man: was an essential factor in the success of the play;  he looked and was the “Little Man”.  (Bulawayo Technical School Magazine, Vol. III. No 3. November 1950)

In 1950 was Harry verkies tot skoolprefek vir die Bulawayo Technical School.

Harry het ook Akademies goed gevaar. In November 1949 het hy deel 1 en in November 1950, deel II van sy National Technical Certificate, Certificate of Training vanaf die Departement of Mynwese van Suidelike Rhodesia ontvang.  Hierna het hy ‘n Nasionale Tegniese Sertifikaat op 15 Februarie 1950 (deel 1) en 15 Februarie 1951 (deel II) gekry by die Unie Onderwysdepartement.  Certificate of Training received by Harry Beresford Wortley during the five-year course comprising two years in the Mining Department of the Bulawayo Technical School and three years’ apprenticeship on the Rhodesia Chrome Mines.  (Note:  All examinations are conducted by the Union of South Africa.  Department of Education for National Technical Certificates)  Examination subjects passed:  Mathematics II;  Chemistry I;  Geology I (Dist.);  Geology II;  Mechanical Engineering I;  Power Plant;  Metallurgy of Gold;  Principles of Mining I;  Principles of Mining II;  surveying I;  Surveying II;  and Mining Economics I.

Op 8 Februarie 1951 het Harry by die Rhodesia Chrome Mines, Limited as ‘n Leerling mynwerker begin werk.  Hy was toe 18 jaar oud.  Hier het hy sy vakmanskap in myn landmeting in Selukwe gedoen.

Handtekeninge van Harry Beresford.

The Gwelo ferrochrome plant, which has a production capacity of approximately 8,000 long tons per annum, began production in 1953.  It enjoys the advantage of being situated on the main line of the Rhodesia Railways, in a position which affords it convenient outlet for its produce via Lourenco Marques or Beira.  It is only 23 miles by rail from the Selukwe chrome mines, and has access by rail to the Kildonan mines of the Northern Dyke.  Low cost coal and coke are brought in by rail from Wankie.  An adequate surplus of generating capacity is available at the nearby Umniati power station to insure firm supplies.  (The Manufacturing Economy of Southern Rhodesia: Problems and Prospects  By Leonard Tow)  Sy besoldiging word as (pond)12.10. per maand aangegee (pending results of Technical College Examinations)


Hierna het hy vir ongeveer ‘n jaar in Noord Rhodesia op die kopermyne gewerk.
The first major copper producer in the region was in Katanga, where Belgium’s powerful Societe Generale controlled the union Miniere, with British participation channelled through Robert Williams’s Tanganyika Concessions Company(Tanks).  Much later, in 1952 Tanks became part of the Anglo American group.   (King Solomon's Mines Revisited: Western Interests and the Burdened History ... By William Minter)  Daarna op ‘n myn claims in die bos vir ‘n firma in Salisbury en is daarna terug na Selukwe.  Op 10 Februarie 1954 het hy ‘n Sertificate of Training van die Departement van mynwese in Suid Rhodesië ontvang.  Die mining school advisory board skryf op 19 Februarie 1954:  I have pleasure in forwarding you Certificate of Training No. 65 which has been awarded to you in respect of the five-year course that you have just completed under the suspices of this Board. en op 19 Februarie 1954 het hy die Certificate of Training vir 5 jaar kursus voltooi vanaf die Mining School Advisory Board Bulawayo ontvang.

By die Shabani myn.  Dit is Harry se apparaat, sy theodelite

Deurentyd het Harry voortgegaan met sy betrokkenheid met opvoerings.  Die Selukwe spelers het Shop at Sly Corner op 15 Mei 1951 vir ‘n groot gehoor wat dit baie geniet het, opgevoer.  Daar was geskryf:  What appealed to the Selukweites is the fact that the younger generation have at last come into their own, for in Priscilla Carter, as Joan Peel, and Harry Wortley, as the young ships doctor, Robert Grahamand Gordon Phillips, as Archie the blackmailer, we have talent for years to come. (Koerantknipsel – bron onbekend)

Na die Selukwe spelers se opvoering van There’s always a Murder by die Plaza Theatre is berig:  Topping the cast in the leading parts were Joan Hosie and Guy Wilson as the newly-married couple who move into a Boston apartment where the atmosphere thickens steadily with the aftermath of a crime;  Harry Wortley as the original tenent, Steve Haywood, who is not quite as wicked as everyone imagines;  Loraine Murphy and Jeanne Ritchie as girl-friends of Haywood and his vanished half-brother (bits of whom turn out to have been sharing occupation of the flat with the new tenants all the time).  Harry Wortley brought valuable experience to his creation of a sinister atmosphere, although he is obviously more at homein lighter and more likeable roles.  Jeanne Ritchie, who started rehearsals as Rosalind and took over the very different part of the sophisticated society girl Katherine Horton at the last minte, made a gallant attempt (in her first stage performance) to overcome her natural appearance of naïve youth and innocence, but the last minute revelation of her criminal character was inevitably unconvincing.  She merits special praise for some blood chilling stage screams.

In die Amateurteater is die komedie  Sailor Beware op Vrydag die 13de Maart 1959 opgevoer, soos berig in The Gwelo Times.  In hierdie produksie het Harry saam met Bill Magness, Veronica Frith, Eileen Roberts, Malcolm Render en Wally Bryan opgetree.  As Carnoustie Bligh, his bestman, Harry Wortley was entirely delightful, and the right mixture of bashful boy and canny Scot came as easily to this ‘Sassenach from Selukwe’ as a Scottish accent.  Daar word verder berig:  But it was Wally’s side-kick and best man, the sailor Carnoustie, played by Harry Wortley at seven day’s notice, who took many of the scenes.  His quiet, restraint anddrollery was an ideal contrast to most of the players. (Koerantknipsel – bron onbekend)

Harry het himself vir peace training geregistreer

The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, founded 1892 Incorporated by Royal Charter 1915 het ‘n sertifikaat aan Harry uitgereik wat lees:  This is to certify that Harry Beresford Wortley was elected a student of the Institution on the Tenth day of December 1959.  Witness our hands at London this twenty second day of January 1960.

Harry en Jeanne Ritchie het mekaar reeds van jongs af geken, aangesien sy saam met Harry se suster Cynthia op skool was.  Harry en Jeanne het gemeenskaplike vriende, Peter en Madeleine gehad en hulle het saam begin uitgaan en so het ‘n verhouding tussen Harry en Jeanne ontstaan.   Harry Beresford  Wortley is op 6 Februarie 1960 in die Methodiste kerk in Selukwe met Jeanne Ritchie, die dogter van Joseph Ritche en Eva Pricilla Stewart getroud.

As getroude paartjie het Harry en Jeanne in Selukwe gewoon, waar Harry ‘n landmeter op die myne was.

Harry en Jeanne

In 1962 het myne oor die hele Rhodesia begin om mense af te betaal en Harry was op die lys van diegene wat moes gaan.  Op 3 April 1962 lui die getuigskrif wat hy van Rhodesia Chrome Mines Limited ontvang:  Mr. H.B. Wortley was employed by this Company as a Learner Official after having attended a Mining Course at the Bulawayo Technical School.  He had 3 years practical training in development, stoping, timbering, workshop, surveying etc., during which time he did further study of mining subjects by correspondence.  On completion of his 3 years training he was engaged as an Assistant Mine Surveyor until 31 August 1955.  Mr. Wortley was re-engeged on 1st October 1958 as a Mine Surveyor and is still working for the Company in that capacity.  Mr. Wortley is a conscientious and accurate Surveyor, who has carried out his work in a most efficient manner.  He has acquired a wide experience in all branches of both surface and underground surveying.  Mr. Wortley is a man of integrity and sober habits.  He has a very pleasant personality and gets on well with his fellow workers.  We shall be very sorry to lose his services.  (en as byvoegsel) Mr. Wortley is also an excellent cook, tailor and hairdresser and I can thoroughly recommend him in these capacities.

Great Zimbabwe is a ruined city in the southeastern hills of Zimbabwe near Lake Mutirikwe and the town of Masvingo. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the country's Late Iron Age.  Great Zimbabwe served as a royal palace for the Zimbabwean monarch and would have been used as the seat of political power. One of its most prominent features were the walls, some of which were over five metres high and which were constructed without mortar. Eventually the city was abandoned and fell into ruin.  (Wikipedia)

Links:  Harry en Alice by die Zimbabwean ruins
Regs:  Great Zimbabwe appears on Abraham Ortelius' 1570 map Africae Tablua Nova, rendered "Simbaoe".

Die Durbanse munisipaliteit in Suid-Afrika het vir werkers gesoek en Harry het ‘n pos daar gekry.  Hy het as ‘n landmeter daar gewerk. Jeanne het in die begin nie gewerk nie, maar het later in ‘n dokter se spreekkamer gaan werk.

Terwyl hulle in Durban gewoon het, het Harry al hoe meer by die kerk betrokke geraak en dit het tot gevolg gehad dat hy sy amateur dramatics moes verminder, hoewel hy nogsteeds daar betrokke was, soos gesien kan word uit die volgende berigte.

The Daily News berig op Donderdag, 10 April 1969, na die opening van Sunday in New York (9–19 April 1969) in die St. John Theater:  There is some excellent repartee – sometimes too quick to catch.  Ane Somerville as Eileen Taylor and Harry Wortley as Mike Mitchell excelled at this, although at times they were unconvincing.  In Critics’ corner:  Harry Wortley, as Mike Mitchell, the young man whom she meets on a bus, was particularly good.  His role called for him to look harassed and loveable, something which he achieved very well.

The Natal Mercury berig op Donderdag,10 April 1969, na aanleiding van  NAPAC se “She stoops to conque”:   Anne (Sommerville) plays opposite Harry Wortley, who makes his comeback on the Durban stage after a ‘self-imposed exile’ and Peter Batchelor, well-known Durban acter and radio personality.

The Daily News van 22 Mei 1969 berig na aanleiding van die komedie BusybodyPeter Turner and Caroline Smart, as office workers on the periphery of the main action, play with conviction and some style, and Harry Wortley, David Abbott and Wendy Heckler do all that is demanded of them.

 Na aanleiding van Woman with a past is geskryf:  A suspense thriller by Elizabeth Addyman, directed by Robert Dobson.

The Secret Tent (St. John’s Theatre) gains its title from part of a psalm: Keep me, O God, in a secret tent from the trife of tongues.” “Harry Wortley was adequate as Inspector Thornton and Elly Ribbink, typical as Miss Mitchum-Browne, the local gossip.  (Koerantknipsel – bron onbekend) The Secret Tent is opgevoer vanaf 25 Februarie tot 7 Maart 1970.

Harry het himself verder verryk deur ‘n sertifikaat in eerstehulp te verwerf, want op 15 Julie 1970 ontvang hy die Advanced Certificate in First Aid van The South African Red Cross Society for having attended the prescribed course of Lectures and Demonstrations in the above subject, and having passed the examination.  In hierdie tyd het hy ook ‘n 9 weke kursus in cake icing  gedoen.  Hy het die cake icing verskriklik geniet en dit was altyd ‘n reuse sukses.  (Laterjare het hy sy seun Paul se troukoek ook self versier).

Hulle oudste seun, Richard het gereeld brongitus gekry en die dokters het aanbeveel dat dit vir hom beter sou wees om in ‘n droër klimaat te woon.  Harry het  ‘n assistant-winkelbestuurder pos in Nadi, in die Greytown area gekry.  Die gesin het ongeveer 6 of 7 myl daarvandaan gewoon en Jeanne het begin om ‘n groentetuin by hulle nuwe huis aan te lê.  Die groentetuin was so suksesvol dat sy groente, saam met konfyte en koeke wat sy ook gemaak het, op die market in Greytown kon verkoop.

In 1971 het Harry besluit om sy eie winkel aan te skaf en het toe ‘n huurkontrak op ‘n winkel in Ematimatolo gekry.  Hierdie winkel was nie suksesvol nie, want hierdie winkel was slegs ‘n myl van ‘n Indiese winkel in Ahrens, wat al daar was vir ‘n aantal jare en wie se kliënte baie lojaal teenoor hulle was, af weg.


Satellite Panoramic map of Ematimatolo

Die huis in Ematimatolo met hulle twee bediendes voor

Hierna het hulle ‘n ander huurkontrak op ‘n winkel wat beter geleë was, gekry.  Omdat hy nog onervare in die bedryf was, het baie van die reisigers hulle kans gesien om aan Harry produkte te verkoop wat nie geskik was vir die besigheid nie.  Met die gevolg het hy baie waarde se voorraad in die winkel gehad wat nie wou verkoop nie.  Ten spyte van die varke, hoenders, groente, konfyte en koeke wat hulle verkoop het om die besigheid te help, moes hulle tog na 3 jaar die huurkontrak kanselleer.  Spitzkop was about 40 miles away on the other side of Greytown, almost exactly opposite Ahrens if you look at it as the crow flies.

Hierna het Harry in ‘n winkelop Carslogie, naby Ixopo gaan werk. Ixopo is a town situated on a tributary of the Mkhomazi River in the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and forms part of an important sugar farming, and forestry area. (Wikipedia)   Hy was die assistentbestuurder daar en Jeanne het ook soms in die winkel gewerk.  Ook hier het sy groente gekweek en het ‘n klompie byekorwe aangehou.  Terwyl hulle daar gewoon het, het Harry by die Bible College aansoek te doen, aangesien hy gehoop het om ‘n predikant te raak.  Na 2 jaar op Carslogie, was hy aanvaar by die Bible Institute in Kalkbaai.

Die huis in die Ixopo-distrik waar die Wortleys gewoon het

Harry en sy gesin het in 1979  na Vishoek/Kalkbaai toe getrek.  The Metro railway line that runs from Muizenberg to Simon's Town right along the sea, makes a bend around Fish Hoek's beautiful sandy beach. The beach is popular with surfers and with families with children. Otherwise there is not much else to do in Fish Hoek being a residential and shopping place. The neighbouring village of Kalk Bay is more attractive for tourists. It doesn't have much of a beach, but the little fishing harbour is lively and interesting. In the afternoons the fishing boats come back and unload their catches. The fish - mainly snoek - is immediately auctioned to dealers.  Many artists live in Kalk Bay in the narrow lanes with their authentic Victorian houses above Main Road.  (Fish Hoek and Kalk Bay on the Cape peninsula – South Africa)

Paul en Richard  in Vishoek met vakansie in 1978

Jeanne het by die Naval Base in Simonstad gaan werk en Harry het vir ‘n jaar aan die Bybel Instutuut studeer.  Na die jaar het hy sy studies gestaak en het hy werk gekry by ‘n konstruksiemaatskappy wat heinings opgesit het.  Hy het daar gewerk tot September 1979.  Hierna het hulle Kuilsrivier toe getrek het toe een van sy kontakte in die kerk vir hom gehelp het om ‘n werk by die Staats Landmeters Departement in Mowbray, wat beter betaal het en waarvan die omstandighede beter was, te kry.

Harry op ‘n motorfiets voor sy huis in Kuilsrivier

Op 26 Februarie 1980 het Harry en Jeanne albei die Examination certificate for satisfactorily completed the course of the Committee For External Studies in the subject of Doctrine I – Moore Theological College ontvang.  En op 31 Mei 1983 hulle sertifikate van die Cape Evangelical Bible Institute vir die suksesvolle afhandeling van die Old Testament Law and History.  Op 3 Maart 1985 het Harry Churchwarden in die Parish van Bellville in die Church of the Province of South Africa

Op 3 Maart 1985 word Harry deur George Henry Sylvester, Archdeacon of Bellville admit to the office of churchwarden in die Parish of Bellville (Church of the Province of South Africa – Diocese of Cape Town)

Hy het voortgegaan om homself te kwalifiseer en op 20 November 1987 het hy die sertifikaat van die Instituut vir Opleiding, vir die kursus/seminaar in Junior Managers verwerf.  Op 18 Desember 1987 skryf die Departement van Openbare werke en grondsake:  The Department has noted with satisfaction that you have successfully completed the course for Junior Managers which was presented by the Training Institute of the Commission for Administration.

Harry het by die Staats Landmeters Departement in Mowbray gewerk, totdat hy op 24 September 1997 aan hartversaking sterf, skaars ‘n maand voordat hy sou aftree.  Die dag van sy aftrede was iets waarna hy baie uitgesien het, maar dit was hom nie beskore nie. Hy het op Kuisrivier gewoon tot sy dood.  


Hy is veras en begrawe by die Holy Trinity kerk in Kalkbaai.

Na sy dood het sy vrou Jeanne vir ‘n aantal jare in Kaapstad gewoon, waarna sy na Engeland toe is, waar sy as ‘n carer gewerk het tot haar dood op 12/07/2012, Bexley Heath.  Sy is dood aan bloedkanker.