b.1. Nicholas WORTLEY, geb. c. 1174

b.1.  Nicholas, geb. c. 1174 x c. 1193,  Hemsworth, Yorkshire met NN.

Nicholas was die seun van Alanus de Wortley.

(Foster, Joseph:  Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire, Vol. 2, West Riding. London. 1874)

Nicholas de Wortley, die seun van Alanus het in die regeringstyd van Koning Richard I (r.1189-1199) en sy opvolger Koning John (r.1199-1216) geleef.  Vanaf die regeringstyd van Richard I (r.1189-1199) het heraldiese wapens al hoe meer gewild geraak en het dit op die seëls van families voorgekom, remaining unchanged in the same families, and passing from father to son.  (Rootsweb’s guide to tracing family trees No.19 http://rwguide.rootsweb.ancestry.com/lesson19_text.html )

Koning John die jongste van Koning Henry II se vyf seuns, het gedurende sy broer Richard I se afwesigheid, a.g.v. die Third Crusade,  vanaf 1189 as waarnemende koning  opgetree.  John het sy broer opgevolg, nadat Koning Richard I in ‘n geveg in Frankryk gedood is.  Die grootste gedeelte van koning John se regeringstyd was oorheers deur oorlog met Frankryk.  Hy was ook in konflik met die kerk.  By the time of King John it had become more convenient and usual for the obligation for service to be commuted for a cash payment known as `scutage', and for the revenue so obtained to be used to maintain paid armies.  (The text of Magna Carta Fordham University. http://legacy.fordham.edu/halsall/source/magnacarta.asp)  Na die vredesverdrag van Le Goulet  was daar vir ‘n rukkie lank vrede, maar gevegte het weer in 1202 begin.  John het feitlik alle Engelse besitting teenoor Frankryk verloor en het vir die volgende dekade, sonder sukses, probeer om dit terug te wen, totdat hy in 1214 finaal verslaan is.  Sy beleid van onderdrukking en genadelose belastings om vir die oorlog in Frankryk te betaal het, hom in konflik met sy baronne gebring.   In 1215 het Koning John, om die vrede met die rebelse baronne te herstel, ingestem tot die optrek van die Magna Carta, ‘n dokument wat perke aan die magte van die koning stel, die feodale verpligting van die baronne uiteensit, die vryheid van die kerk bevestig en regte aan alle vrye persone en hulle nageslag gee.  Dit het egter nie vir lank vrede gebring nie en Koning John het gevlug, waarna hy in Oktober 1216 dood is.   (Royal family history http://www.britroyals.com/kings.asp?id=john)

In 1215, the Magna Carta stipulated that common pleas should be held in a fixed place: this was usually Westminster Hall.  As the treaty also created two separate jurisdictions, two separate courts known Common Pleas and King's Bench were formed during the 13th century - the former for civil litigation and the latter for cases of interest to the King (effectively the supreme court for criminal cases).  The King's Bench used the southern end of Westminster Hall, with the King sitting in the marble chair when he presided, while Commons Pleas was located near the chief door of the Hall on the north.  (http://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/building/palace/westminsterhall/government-and-administration/early-law-courts/)  Koning John (r.1199-1216),  is opgevolg deur Koning Henry III (r. 1216-1272).  

Die legende van Robin Hood, waarin Koning John voorgestel word as die slegte koning, dateer uit hierdie tyd.  Plekke wat aan Robin Hood verbind word, is:  Wentbridge, Barnsdale, Blyth, Doncaster, Kirklees, The Greenwood, York, South Owram naby Halifax, Huddersfield,  Wortley (The Wharncliffe Park near Loxley also in Ivanho), Barnsley, Rotherham, Wakefield, Bawtry, en die Sayles.  (Robin Hood Territory http://www.robinhoodloxley.net/mycustompage0006.htm)   In the Royal Forest were bears, wolves, wild bulls, red deer and boars, as well as wild duck, pheasants and partridges.  In King John’s time large studs of horses were maintained for the hunt in the booths around Edale. Medieval kings used Peveril Castle as a Hunting Lodge and in 1184 stampeding deer trampled men and dogs to death, such was their number.  Die grens vir Penistone sluit Langsett Moors in, wat nie ver van die "Royal Forest of the Peak" is nie.  Being a market town there are many ancient tracks and packhorse routes that converged onto Penistone from a wide area including Longdendale, Holmfirth, Hope Valley, Sheffield, Huddersfield, Wakefield, the saltway from Cheshire, and Wharncliff Woods, the River Don, and Wortley which are mentioned in Ivanhoe as being the haunt of the famous outlaw.  (Robin of Loxley. Robin Hood.  http://therealrobinhood.blogspot.com.au/ Standbeeld van Robin Hood in Nottingham.

Dwarsdeur die Middeleeuse tydperk was die Kerk in Engeland ‘n magtige grondeienaar en het hulle ‘n belangrike rol in die ontwikkeling van landbou en plattelandse handel in die eerste twee eeue van die Normandiese regering gespeel.  Toe die Normandiërs in Yorkshire aangekom het, was daar nog geen Monastic foundations nie.  In die eeue wat die Conquest gevolg het, is daar pragtige abbeys en priories in Yorkshire gebou.  (Priory = a monastery or nunnery governed by a prior - superior officer of a religious house or order)  Voor die aankoms van die Normandiërs was daar  48 kloosters in Engeland, maar teen 1154, toe Koning Stephen gesterf het, was die getal godsdienstige huise byna 300.  Die belangrikste kloosters in die noorde van Engeland, was dié van die Cistercians wat in 1129 in Engeland aangekom het.   Hulle het  gemeenskappe in afgeleë gebiede gevestig, waar hulle marginal grond verbeter het en groot troppe skape aangehou het.  Die wol van die skape het die land se vernaamste uitvoerproduk geraak.  (http://www.towneley.org.uk/downloads/TTv4_web.pdf.)  Die monnike het met hul medemense gemeng en het baie sosiale pligte, soos die ontbosting van die woud, onderneem.  Hulle het waste lands  onder verbouing gebring, paaie en brûe herstel, vis gevang en geberg, kruie versamel en gekweek, en minerale grondstowwe ontgin. (The Early Monks http://www.robinhoodloxley.net/mycustompage0021.htm)   Kloosters was die skole en biblioteke, die hospitale en die pioniers in nywerheid. They were the clubs in which the young manhood received its first direction, the offices in which the first newssheets of the day were written and the colleges in which administrative ability was developed. They were the only havens of peace in an age of perpetual war, and largely it was they that showed a better way of life in an age of greed and selfishness and cruelty and it is to the monks of Saxon England that we owe our earliest treasures in literature and art, for through their art we know what the Anglo-Saxon people looked like.  (The EarlyMonks http://www.robinhoodloxley.net/mycustompage0021.htm)

In die laat 12de eeu het die die Cistercian monks, wie blykbaar ook ysterwerke (ironworks) na die Don Vallei gebring het, ‘n invloed op die dorp Wortley gehad.  (The Village of Wortley. A place of beauty, character and especially history. http://thecountesstearoom.co.uk/home/index.php/ history/the-village-of-wortley)  Groot hoeveelhede lawaslak (scoria), sommige waarskynlik uit die tyd van die Romeinse besetting was in die woud gevind.  I have heard it said, that the excellent road from Grenoside to Wortley, which was made in the time of the first Lord Wharncliffe, owes its durability, in great measure, to much of this half-fused iron ore being used for its foundation. At any rate, the Wortley Ironworks rank amongst the oldest in the country, and are certainly anterior to any other hereabouts.  (Gatty, Alfred, rev.,  D.D. vicar of Ecclesfield, and sub, dean of York:  Wortley & the Wortleys - a lecture delivered before the Sheffield literary and philosophical society also the Rotherham literary and scientific society, 1877, Sheffield)  Foto:  River Don at Wortley Forge (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:River_Don _at_Wortley_Forge_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1022460.jpg)

Of the fee of one and a half knights of new feoffment held by Reiner Flemengus in 1166 one knight’s fee included land in Wath-Upon-Dearne and several places in that parish, In Darfield and Wombwell, par. Darfield and in Wortley, par. Tankersley. (Early Yorkshire Charters: Volume 7, The Honour of Skipton edited by William Farrer, Charles Travis Clay)

Reiner le Fleming se kleinseun en naamgenoot, het Kirklees Priory gestig.  (Fleming, F. Laurence:  A genealogy of the ancient Flemings http://books.google.com.au/books?id=EyHC08j_ej0C&q=kirklees+priory#v=onepage&q=wath&f=false).   Nicholas Wortley, (Wirtleia), was een van die getuies van Reiner le Fleming se charter to Kirklees priory.  With regard to this family of Wortlay or Wortley, we learn that when, about the end of the twelfth century, the Flemings founded the nunnery of Kirklees, Nicholas, son of Alan de Wortley, was (as a feudal dependant) one of the witnesses to the Charter; and from him descended a long line of Wortleys, the heir of the family always bearing the name of Nicholas, until after the death of Nicholas de Wortley in 1448.  (Urwick, Thomas A. comp. & Urwick, William, Rev.:  Records of the Family of Urswyk, Urswick, or Urwick http://www.mocavo.com/Records-of-the-Family-of-Urswyk-Urswick-or-Urwick/433121/79 )  They (Wortley familie) are supposed to have been a branch of the Fleming's family according to Hunter, as one of them was witness of the founding of the Nunnery of Kirkless, by the Flemings, whose witnesses were usually taken from their own people.  (Full text of the old halls, manors and families of Derbyshire https://archive.org/stream/oldhallsmanorsa00tillgoog/oldhallsmanorsa00tillgoog_djvu.txt)

Kirklees priory plan/Robin Hood – the facts and fiction http://www.robinhoodlegend.com/kirklees-priory-plan/

Kirklees Priory is bekend vir die beweerde graf van die legendariese Robin Hood.   "Kirklees, a village in the chapelry of Clifton, and parish of Dewsbury, West Riding county York, 4 miles N. of Huddersfield. It is situated on the river Calder. Here was formerly a Cistercian nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., where Robin Hood was bled to death by the treacherous nun in 1247.  (A vision of Britain through time.  http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/place/17261)  Robin Hood is vermoor deur sy niggie, wat die Prioress at Kirklees was.  (Robin Hood. Family trees http://www.robinhoodloxley.net/mycustompage0027.htm)

In 1090 het Robert de Laci die Priory van die Cluniac Order (St. John's) at Pontefract gestig(The De Laci Family Estates  http://midgleywebpages.com/delacifamily.html )   The house was dedicated to the honour of St. John the Evangelist, and subjected to the Cluniac monks of La Charité-sur-Loire, the order being then popular and in 'good odour and honest fame. The priory buildings were destroyed in the Anarchy, and Gilbert de Gaunt, who had claimed the estates but afterwards acknowledged himself in error, made compensation for the demolition by a donation of property at South Ferriby, Lincs.  About 1153, during the rebuilding of the priory, the monks received a temporary residence at Broughton. (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/yorks/vol3/pp184-186)

The Cluniac priory of St John.  (http://pontefractyorkshire.co.uk/the-cluniac-priory-of-stjohn.html)

In die regeringstyd van Koning Henry III (r.1216-1272) is Nicholas Wortley een van die getuies by ‘n Charter van Robert de Bergh aan die monnike van St. John of Pontefract.  Witnesses:  Nicholas de Wrythlay, Henry de Tancreslay, Ralph de Turkerland, Adam de Oldfield, Regner de Yanbwelle.  (The town and township of Barnsley in Yorkshire from an early period by Rowland Jackson, London 1858. P.66)

Nicholas de Wortley was ook een van die getuies van ‘n charter van Gerard de Berneslay aan die monnike van St. John’s of Pontefract.  These being witnesses:  Alan de Smytheton, Nicholas de Wyrthlay, Henry de Tancreslay, William de Bretton, Ralph de Rupe, Richard Marton, and others.  (The town and township of Barnsley in Yorkshire from an early period by Rowland Jackson, London 1858.P.70-71)

In 1156 is die Priory van Monk Bretton as ondergeskik aan die Priory van Pontefract gestig.  Probleme en geskille het gou tussen die twee huise ontstaan. .. and were only finally settled by the renunciation of the order of Cluny by Monk Bretton in 1280, and its subsequent continuance as a Benedictine Priory till the Dissolution. (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/yorks/vol3/pp184-186)

Adam Fitz Swein, die kleinseun van Ailric, was ‘n groot baron. (The town and township of Barnsley in Yorkshire from an early period by Rowland Jackson, London 1858. P. 237)  Before his death in 1158 Adam Fitz Swein founded the Priory of Monk Bretton and endowed it with land or tithes in more than sixty places - a truly royal offering: most of these places were in the Wapentake of Staincross, but some were in Lancashire. (The fist Brettons http://www.bretton.org/the_first_brettons.htm)    Die Priory of Monk Bretton is ongeveer 2 myl oos vanaf Barnsley geleë.

Monk Bretton Priory

Adam, (die seun van Orm) was die vader van Peter de Birthwaite wat 'n charter aan die Monk Bretton Priory gedurende die jare 1200-1214 uitgereik het.  Adam was ‘n tenant van Adam Fitz Swain in Pilley,  wat in die volgende charter die lord of Godard de Pilley genoem word.  (Farrer, William & Charles Travis Clay, eds.:  Early Yorkshire charters, Vol. 6, The Paynel fee.  Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1939)  1185-1215 Nicholas Wortley was a witness to a Restoration by Godard de Pilley to Peter de Birthwaite, his lord, of  2 bovates of land in Pilley: "Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Godardus de Pillei reddidi et concessi et presenti carta mea confirmavi Petro de Birketwait, domino meo, duas bovatas terre in Pillei  ... Hiis testibus, Johanne de Birkine,  Nicholas Wrtley,"  (Farrer, William & Clay, Charles Travis, eds.:  Early Yorkshire charters, Vol. 6, The Paynel fee.  Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1939)

Die manor of Hunshelf was nog een van Ailric se besittings.  Hun’s shelf is a late Anglo Saxon place-name for a flat piece of land on the ridge by Hunshelf Hall.  The present hall is an eighteenth and nineteenth century building, but it probably stands on the site of the medieval house of the De Hunshelf family, the local lords of the manor.  (Hey, David:  A History of Penistone and District. Barnsley. 2002)  Die chief lord  het mills vir diegene in sy omgewing opgerig.  Die water corn mills het aan die lord of the manor behoort en dit was ‘n waardevolle bate, aangesien die dorpsmense nie toegelaat was om enige ander mill as die lord s’n te gebruik nie.   (Cooper, Stephen:  Those was good lads - a history of tudor Rotherham http://www.chivalryandwar.co. uk/Resource/TUDOR.pdf) … in order that he might receive some adequate remuneration for the expense he had incurred.  (Jackson, Roland:  The history of the town and township of Barnsley in Yorkshire from an early period. London. 1858).   Indien hulle dit sou doen, kon hulle ‘n boete kry.  Sommige individue is toegelaat om 'n quern, of hand-aangedrewe slypsteen aan te hou, maar hulle moes dit suiwer vir huishoudelike doeleindes gebruik.  Die monopolie was ongetwyfeld baie winsgewend.

A quern, or hand-operated grindstone 

1190-1210 Grant by Simon de Hunshelf to Nicholas son of Alan and his heirs of licence to attach the pool of his mill of Wortley to the grantor’s land of Hunshelf, raise it and take the grantor’s land near by for that purpose, rendering yearly a pound of pepper on the morrow of St. Oswald at the said pool .  (Farrer, William & Clay, Charles Travis, eds.:  Early Yorkshire charters, Vol. 7, The Honour of Skipton. 1947),  There follows a quitclaim by William son of Simon de Huneself to Nicholas son of Nicholas de Wrtleie and his heirs of the pound of pepper for 1d. yearly instead and a payment of 10s. of silver in gersumam; witnesses, Sir Henry de Nofmarche, and others amed.  (Clay, Charles Travis;  Farrer, William, eds.:  Early Yorkshire charters, Vol. 8, The Honour of Warenne. 1949)


c.1.  Sir Nicholas, geb. c. 1194, x voor 1214, met Dionysia de NEWMARCH, d.v. Ralph de Newmarch en Letitia de Chevercourt.