d.4. Alfred WORTLEY, ged. 21/11/1875

d.4.  Alfred, ged. 21/11/1875, Shincliffe, Durham, Engeland, oorl. 03/11/1891, Durham, Durham, Engeland, begr. St. Margaret of Antioch Churchyard, Durham, Durham Unitary Authority, County Durham, Engeland.

Alfred was die seun van John Wortley en Hannah Wall.

Event Date 1881
Event Place Crossgate, Durham, England
Registration District Durham
Event Type Census
Residence Note The Avenue
Name Alfred Wortley
Sex Male
Age 5
Birth Year (Estimated) 1876
Birthplace Shincliffe, Durham, England
Marital Status Single
Occupation Scholar
Relationship to Head of Household Son

"Deaths... At 15, The Avenue, 3rd inst., Alfred, second son of Hannah and the late John Wortley, aged 16 years. Interment at St. Margaret's to-day (Friday), at 2.30." (Durham County Advertiser, 6 November 1891).

Hannah, widow of John Wortley died February 5th 1892
also Alfred 2nd son of the above died November 3rd 1891