g.6. Asa WORTLEY, geb. 13/05/1771

g.6.  Asa, geb. 13/05/1771, North Yarmouth Cumberland, Maine, VSA, ged. 16/06/1771, oorl. 1856, Avon, Franklin, Maine, VSA x 18/03/1798 met Jane Jenny TRUE, geb. 04/10/1775, oorl. 1855.

Asa was die seun van John Wortley en Martha Bailey.


(Old times:  a Magaxine devoted to the preservation and publication of documents relating to the early history of North Yarmouth, Maine, Vol. 5. No. 1. Augustus W. Corliss, Yarmouth, Maine, Jan. 1, 1881.)

Asa Jane True, sister to Polly.
 Asa came from North Yarmouth in about 1830 and
settled at the foot of Mt. Blue, Avon, Maine; was the great grandfather of
Harold Worthley of Phillips.