g.5. Paulus Adriaan Petrus Johannes NEL, geb. 06/07/1857, ged. 08/08/1857

g.5.  Paulus Adriaan Petrus Johannes, geb. 06/07/1857, ged. 08/08/1857, Graaff-Reinet, oorl. 13/11/1918, Beaufort-Wes x 02/08/1882, Beaufort-Wes met Maria Partridge ROSE, geb. 08/12/1863, Beaufort-Wes, oorl. 26/03/1947, Stilbaai, d.v. Henry James Rose en Martha Magdelena Johanna von Schlechting.   Lawyer Beaufort Wes.

Paulus Adriaan Petrus Johannes was die seun van Adriaan Petrus Johannes Nel en Johanna Magdalena Mare.


REFERENCE NUMBER:  2116/47          VOLUME NUMBER:  6/9/13895
Name of the deceased:                                  MARIA PARTRIDGE NEL – born Rose
Birthplace and Nationality of the deceased:  BEAUFORT WEST – SOUTH AFRICA
Names & Addresses of the                 Father:             HENRY ROSE  (deceased)
Parents of the deceased                     Mother:            MARIA PARTRIDGE (deceased)
Age of the deceased:    Years 83        Months            3
Occupation in the life of the deceased, or if a woman, of her husband:   Widow
Ordinary place of residence of the deceased,             Still Bay, Strand Riversdale Widow
or if a woman, of her husband:
Married or unmarried, widower or widow:    Married
Name of surviving spouse (if any), and whether        PAULUS ADRIAN PETRUS     JOHANNES NEL
Married in community of property or not:                 
Name or Names and approximate date of death
            Of pre-deceased spouse or spouses:
Place of last marriage:             BEAUFORT WEST
The day of the decease:          26 MARCH 1947
Where the person died:           Town or place: STILL BAY
                                                District: RIVERSDALE
Names of the children of the deceased, and
            Whether majors or minors       Paul Rose NEL  - Major
                                                            Humbolt Rose Nel  - Major
                                                            Iwaldt Rose Nel – Major
                                                            Theodore Joseph Nel – Major
                                                            Eleanor Rose Nel - Major
Has the deceased left any movable property?                         YES
Has the deceased left any immovable property?                     NO
Is it estimated that the estate exceeds £300 in value?             NO
Has the deceased left a will?                                                   YES
Dated at:  Place:          STRAND Day: 19   Month:  May 1947
(Who Signed):_____________________________
(Cape Town Archives retrieved by Peter Johnstone - April 2012)