Hans Jurie was die seun van Philip Daniël Stephanus Nel en Anna Margaretha Fourie.
eGGSA library Gravestones in South Africa Eastern Cape : Ooskaap Eastern Cape, PORT ELIZABETH, Urban area Eastern Cape, PORT ELIZABETH, North End, Cemetery N - Vanne :: Surnames - N Ne - Surnames starting with the letters Ne NEL Surnames :: Vanne NEL Wilhelmina M. nee GEYER 1866-1935
Uit hulle ma se sterfkennis van 1911:
Uit hulle pa se sterfkennis van 1911:
FAMILYSEARCHeGGSA library Gravestones in South Africa Eastern Cape : Ooskaap Eastern Cape, PORT ELIZABETH, Urban area Eastern Cape, PORT ELIZABETH, North End, Cemetery N - Vanne :: Surnames - N Ne - Surnames starting with the letters Ne NEL Surnames :: Vanne NEL Wilhelmina M. nee GEYER 1866-1935