Nicolaas was die seun van Mattheus von Wielligh en Alida Maria Schenk.
Cape Town baptisms 1713-1741
DG: Christiaan Victor en Catharina Kervel (Margaretha von Wielligh se man en sy tweede vrou)
vader Matthijs van Wielingen. De moeder Alida Maria Schenk.
getuigen Christiaan Victor en Catharina Kervel.
Cape Town Baptisms 1741
Cape Town Baptisms 1741
by transcribed by Corney Keller.
Nicolaas, die oudste seun van Mattheus en Alida Maria Schenk, het waarskynlik sy vrou ontmoet d.m.v. die handelsbetrekkinge wat sy pa met Dirk de Jongh gehad het.
Dirk de Jong van Utrecht in Nederland het voor 1738 aan die Kaap gekom. Hy het in 1738, Kaapstad, met Emmerentia van Hooven, die dogter van Hendrik van Hooven en Anna Catharina Obits getrou. Dirk het vir ‘n tweede keer in 1751, Kaapstad, met Johanna Barbara Oberholster getrou. Sy was die weduwee van Micheal Pentz (pagter van die Europese Bier en wynlisensie). Gerharda is die tweede oudste van 8 kinders.
Op 06/11/1764 het Nicolaas en Gerharda de Jong ‘n gesamentlike testament opgestel (CJ 2667 39).

Nicolaas was die eienaar van Huguenot huis, geleë op die hoek van Hout en Loopstraat. In 1752, toe Goewerneur Ryk Tulbagh ‘n klompie nuwe plotte beskikbaar gestel het om verkoop te word aan die burgers, was Erf no 6 in die nuwe area aan Hendrik Britz verkoop. Die erf was klein, net 104 vierkante voet, maar ongeag daarvan het Britz ‘n pragtige Kaapse huis gebou.
(PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
Die mure was gebou van 'n verskeidenheid van klippe, kleiteëls, modder en kalk en is tot 80 sentimeter breed op plekke. Om die eiendom teen bose geeste te beskerm, is 'n aantal vreemde items (poppe, kruise, geraamtes van diere en glas) in die mure ingebou. Die vloere in die ou huis was gemaak van Birmaanse kiaat, terwyl die plafonne en balke gemaak is van geelhout. (Huguenot House Cape Town by Turtle SA.) “Clay bricks were laid on the ceiling planks and cemented with lime, screeded and covered with bitumen as waterproofing.” (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
(Huguenot House Cape Town by Turtle SA.)
Die huis het bestaan uit 'n voorkamer met 'n slaapkamer aan weerskante en 'n agterkamer. Die boonste area het 'n aantal kamers gehad. Daar was 'n binnehof aan die agterkant en 'n kombuis en slawekwartiere. (Huguenot House Cape Town by Turtle SA.) “Slate tiles from Robben Island were used to cover the original courtyard and front stoep.” (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
In die kombuis was daar ‘n put vir drinkwater. “There are only three of these original home wells to be seen in Cape Town.” (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
(PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
Huguenot huis was deur ‘n reeks ryk handelaars besit. In 1760 is die huis verkoop vir 5350 gulde aan Jurgen W Spengelaar, in 1765 koop Gustav Tregard die huis vir 6300 gulde, en in 1770 verkoop Tregard se weduwee die huis vir 6000 gulden aan Nicolaas von Wielligh. Toe hy gesterf het in c. 1815 het sy weduwee Gerharda de Jongh die eiendom verkoop vir 55000 ryksdalers. Die huis was oorspronklik versier met muurskilderye en motiewe wat gedurende die 18de eeu geverf is. (Huguenot House Cape Town by Turtle SA.)
“Nearly all rooms in the building, even the upper storey, were hand painted in various patterns and motifs. Entire walls were covered with stenciled patterns and most walls had a dado around ceiling corners and window frames. Dutch painters who came from Holland sometimes spent years decorating a family home as payment for board and lodging. Once the grand homes of Cape Town were done, these painters moved on to some of the more important wine farms where their skills were used to decorate Cape Dutch homesteads.” (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
“The rooms on either side of the “voorkamer” were used as bedrooms and the walls painted a soft green, with dados outlining the door and window frames. In the room to the right a most unusual motiv of four different flowers; a rose, a lilac, a daisy and a peony forms the hand painted dado. The frieze above the wooden floor depicts green malachite (a semi-precious stone used as tiles in European palaces).” (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
(PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
As gevolg van die groot toename in die waarde van die eiendom, kan dit aanvaar word dat Nicolaas omvattende verbeterings aan die huis gemaak het en dat die skilderye in die huis in opdrag van hom was. (Huguenot House Cape Town by Turtle SA.)
Die versiering van die huis is moontlik na 1790 gemaak. “On the right hand wall of the “voorkamer”, Gerharda von Wielligh is depicted as the Roman goddess Luna. Note the crescent moon (horns ?) on her forehead. The painting of her husband on the opposite wall could not be saved.” (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)

Gerharda de Jongh
(PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
“In the “agterkamer” her daughter is painted as Ceres (goddess of fertility and growing corn) and her son as Bacchus (god of wine and fertile crops). These portraits were painted on a background depicted as wood paneling. (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)

(PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
Aangesien ek tot op hede geen rekord van ‘n dogter vir Nicolaas en Gerharda de Jong kon opspoor nie en dat ek vermoed dat hulle eerste seun, net soos die tweede een jonk dood is, dink ek dat hierdie twee skilderye die van hulle derde seun Nicolaas en sy eerste vrou Elizabeth de Waal, die dogter van Cornelis de Waal en Aletta Heuningh kon wees.
Van 1815 tot 1880 was die gebou in besit van verskeie wynhandelaars vir die uitvoer van wyn uit die Franschhoekvallei - vandaar die naam Hugenote House, wat dit naas Groot Constantia, verander het in die belangrikste wynverspreiding sentrum van Kaapse wyne in die land.
“It’s a good example of the town architecture of this time: rusticated plaster wall surface, thin-framed and large-paned sashwindows with internal shutters, mouldings supported by brackets over the windows. Yet in its general appearance: fenestration, central set-forward section, parapet moulding and high stoep with steps in Hout St, the house clearly betray its late 18th century origin, from soon after 1752 or else from the time of Nicolaas van Wielligh, c 1779, as does much of its interior woodwork. The house was apparently built as a double-storey, and was restored in 1987 by GT Fagan.” (Fransen, hans: The old buildings of the Cape)

Panoramic view of Cape Town – pen and ink water colour by Josephus Jones (1805)
Huguenot House is located fourth from the right. The construction in the middle of the open space was designed by Anton Anreith as a water fountain on Greenmarket Square, passed by the Governor, but was never build.” (PRINS & PRINS - A Passion for Perfection)
Uit Die Huisgenoot van Junie 1920 (b. 56) is daar 'n beskrywing van die borsplaat van Nicolaas von Wielligh:

Gedurende die Eerste Britse besetting was die volgende proklamasie uitgereik.
PROCLAMATION 1796 -1799. By His Excellency 'George Earl of Macartney, &c. 28th day of June 1797.
Whereas by my proclamation of the 28th day of May last, All Heads of Families, and as many other Inhabitants of the Cape Town & within four Hours distance, as could assemble in the Castle on Thursday & Friday the 15th & 16th of June, WOTe summoned & required to take and subscribe in a Book for that purpose, in behalf of themselves & their fellow Burghers, the following Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty, the Sovereign of this Colony:
" I do swear that I will be faithful & bear true Allegiance to His Majesty George the third, by the Grace of Gk)d King of Great Britain, France & Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c."
And whereas the following Heads of Families and Inhabitants, viz.: Wm. F. van Rheede van Oudtshoom, J, D. Hubner, H. A. Vermaak, J. A. van Eeenen, W, van Eeenen, Ik. van Eeenen, Gysbert van Eeenen, J, G. Brink, C. Brink, J. Brink, A. Brink, C. van der Poel, A. van Breda, P- van Breda, J. A. Horak, Alexander van Breda, D. G. van Eeenen, J. P. Eksteen, C. Nelson, S. van Blerk, C. la Harpe, J. Eens, D. HofiF- man, Adriaan Cruywagen, Wm. Colver, J. D. Kamspek, A. D. Smit, C. Freislich, J. Joubert, H. Cloete junior, H. 0. Eksteen, N. Colyn, Jan van Schoor, K van Es, BL Dempers, L. Bield, G. Wm. Hoppe, S. Wiedt, J. van Leeuwen, G. Schierhout, — Verheum, N. van Wielligh, S. Herman, A. Jansen, D. Storm, H. ter Hoeven, Doctor Voigt, L. Henkell, J. van Biel, S. van Eeenen, J. J. Vercueil, and divers others actually residing in Cape Town or District within four hours distance, have on various pretences declined & neglected to take and subscribe the said Oath ; Be it therefore known, & by these presents it is declared, that all Heads of Families & others as above described who shall not have taken & subscribed the said Oath before the 10th day of Jiily next, will be considered as disloyal Subjects, and no longer entitled to the protection of the British Government, which they refuse to acknowledge. They are therefore warned & commanded to hold themselves in readitiess to depart this Colony within the space of 30 days from the Date hereof, and to embark on board such Ship or Ships as shall be prepared by my Order to transport them to Batavia, or to such other Dutch Settlement in the Island of Java or elsewhere, as may be found most convenient to land them at. (Full text of records of the Cape colony from February 1793)
Nicolaas sterf voor 1814, afgelei uit die versoek van 1814 vir die vrystelling om ‘n vroueslaaf waarin Gerharda beskryf word as, die weduwee van Nicolaas van Wielligh, gebore de Jongh.